JUICE — Florida Politics' Juicy Read — 9.16.2021 — EXCLUSIVE: Biden Lied, Americans Died—Fried, Venezuela, Common Core, Webster-More...

Florida Politics' Daily Political Read

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
September 16, 2021


Biden Lied, Americans Died

EXCLUSIVE—Congressional candidate and former U.S. Army Ranger Cory Mills has told The Floridian that the Biden administration is “covering up” the fact that American citizens were killed during the Kabul airport suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. Service Members. MUST-READ


Nikki Fried Get it Wrong, Again

During an appearance on a local Progressive podcast, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried stated that Gov. Ron DeSantis “hasn’t emphasized the necessity for vaccines in almost 20 weeks,” adding, “I think there was almost a small moment a few months ago that he’s talking about the vaccine.”

Fried must not have been paying too much attention to DeSantis, because on September 8th in Palm Coast, Florida, Gov. DeSantis spoke about how Pfizer had “the only vaccine that has been approved by the FDA,” adding that “vaccines are part of it (combatting COVID), but you have to have treatment.”


Democrats want DeSantis to say “go get vaccinated” every time he steps up to the podium, but getting vaccinated is a given and the state has been consistently pushing people to get vaccinated.

DeSantis also brings up the point that now people have a better option of getting the Regeneron treatment than taking the doctor’s advice of just staying home and waiting out the illness.

Tens of thousands of Americans did just that when the pandemic broke out and eventually died. Now the Monoclonal treatment is saving the lives of those Americans infected.


Venezuela Shackled

There are very view issues that Republicans and Democrats are in agreement with or both support in today’s hyper-partisan political climate

Humanitarian aid to millions of oppressed Venezuelans is one of those issues that bipartisan support is a constant even though both sides have managed to get in their respected political jabs in against one another.

Now a new documentary film is fueling the bipartisan fire in support of the Venezuelan people.

The film, “A La Calle,” gives you a covert and inside look at the corruption and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela from the inside out. MUST-READ

— Jimmy Patronis-May you and those you hold dear be inscribed for a happy, healthy and peaceful new year. #YomKippur

— Commissioner Nikki Fried-As #HispanicHeritageMonth begins today, we also celebrate the independence of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras & Nicaragua. Happy Independence Day Central America! May the values of democracy & freedom always surround you and guide your way.

Rep. Anthony Sabatini-RINO Speaker of the House in Florida, beta @ChrisSprowls (the guy who kills the Pro-Life, Pro-2A, & E-Verify Bills each year) moved my legislative office because he’s BIG mad I call him out This year I’m filing a mental health & wellness Bill to help fragile people like Sprowls

—U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy-I support numerous provisions in the Ways & Means portion of the Build Back Better Act, especially those to combat climate change, but there are spending & tax provisions that give me pause, so I cannot vote for the bill at this stage.

— Chris Sprowls-This year the FL House put Iran & China on a list of nations of concern, demanding greater scrutiny & vetting of foreign ties at our universities. The atrocities these nations will commit with our IP, research & your genetic material may seem farfetched, but the threat is real.

— Daniella Levine Cava

Today's COVID-19 dashboard

➔ 7-day positivity: 8.3%

➔ 945 patients hospitalized

➔ 224 of those are on ventilators

➔ 75% of those admitted yesterday were unvaccinated

Help lower our positivity by getting vaccinated & wearing a mask in public spaces.


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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com

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