Florida Politics

JUICE — Florida Politics' Juicy Read — 10.15.2021 — Fried Fries Crist Over Pot Flip Flop— Biden's Inflation Hits Home—Rubio, Hardy, Bilirakis—More...


Paying More at the Pump, Publix

JUICE—By now, all of you have noticed how much more it’s costing to fill up your car’s gas tank, and how much more you are paying for bacon at your local Publix as a result of Biden's inflation.

But it’s not just bacon. Even those very yummy Publix cupcakes are costing more. Since President Biden took office, the usual $3.99 6-pack of cupcakes has skyrocketed to $5.11.

This is where we must draw the line.

Who is at fault?

Sen. Marco Rubio told The Floridian that “far left lunatics” are to blame for the inflation. READ MORE

THIS >>>> “Imitation is flattery, but records are records. People went to jail because Republicans like @CharlieCrist supported and enforced racist marijuana crime bills," said Nikki Fried. READ MORE


Apples to Oranges

As former President Donald Trump sits back at his home in Palm Beach, wagging his ‘I told you so’ finger at everyone who voted against him last year, the Biden economy and his policies is to blame for the inflation.

Rep. Gus Bilirakis highlights how my daughter’s favorite Granny Smith apples are costing more.

It isn’t right. READ MORE


U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy-I was born in a country where violence was used to obtain or retain political power. I, for one, will not stand by and let that happen here in America—a country I love so much. #Jan6Committee

Rep. Val Demings-Tonight my prayers are with the families of the law enforcement officers who paid the ultimate sacrifice over the past year. Please join me in gratitude and remembrance. “All gave some, some gave all.” We must never forget. #PoliceWeek2021

Rep. Omari Hardy-Whenever a gov't violates the rights of a people, we have reason to speak up and speak out and to use nonviolent tactics to encourage that gov't to change its behavior. My position on these issues is not about Israel. It’s about my broader principles as they apply to this case.

Gus Bilirakis

"Bilirakis Says Biden’s Inflation Driving Up Price of Apples, Salad Dressing" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Comparing the presidencies of current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump is like comparing apples to oranges, especially when talking about inflation.

"Biden Commission Shoots Down Progressive Idea of ‘Packing’ Supreme Court" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Progressive Democrats around the country and in the U.S. Congress were served a body blow to the stomach when President Joe Biden’s Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court found that expanding the high court was a very bad idea, but believed that rotating justices from a lower federal court to the Supreme Court should be considered.

"Nikki Fried Fries ‘Republican’ Charlie Crist Over New Position on Marijuana Legalization" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried has taken another well-placed dig at former Republican Governor-turned-Democratic Rep. Charlie Crist over his changing position on the legalization of marijuana.

"Roach Files Bill Requiring Local Candidates to Disclose Finances" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—It is safe to assume that Americans are losing trust in their government and elected officials. However, State Rep. Spencer Roach (R-79) has introduced a bill to require municipal elected officials to publicly disclose their financial assets and interests.

"John Rutherford Seeks to End House Proxy Voting"—by The Floridian's Jim McCool

"Rubio Slams ‘Desperation’ Biden To Salvage Dead Iran Deal" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

"Winter is Coming: Rubio Blames Massive Inflation on “Far Left Lunatics" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—At 2 am Thursday morning, While most Americans were fast asleep or getting up for a midnight snack, Florida Senator Marco Rubio was already at the refrigerator snacking on leftover croquetas—burning the midnight oil and taking a late-night jab at the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats by calling them “far left lunatics” for dumping on the U.S. economy and fueling inflation.

Trump Crushes DeSantis, Pence, GOP Field in new 2024 Poll" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—As the Biden Administration continues to falter, and as more Americans continue to question the president’s leadership, another popular opinion poll shows that Republicans and Independents would still vote for former President Donald Trump if the 2024 Republican presidential primary election was held today.

Rep. Val Demings

"Demings Outraises Rubio’s Senate Campaign" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—The senatorial race between incumbent Senator Marco Rubio (R) and Florida Rep. Val Demings (D) is expected to be one of the most closely watched races across the country, not to mention the most expensive. As it stands, the Rubio campaign has already pointed out that Demings has aggressively fundraised against the South Florida lawmaker, announcing in a message to supporters that “for the past 2 quarters, we lost the fundraising race.”

"DeSantis Announces $2 Million Grant for St. Pete" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) announced this week that St. Petersburg Beach would be awarded a $2 million grant that will go towards wastewater infrastructure improvements. With this money, the Governor expects the city to finalize its system.

"Consumer Prices Has Inflation Hotter Than Expected In September" by The Floridian's Jim McCool

"House Committee Will Pursue ‘Criminal Contempt’ Charges in Capitol Riot Investigation" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—After the riot that took place on January 6th at the U.S. Capitol, where elements of ANTIFA, Right-Wing Extremists, and other anti-government factions stormed the building that left several people dead, Speaker Nancy Pelosi convened a House Select Committee lead by Florida Rep. Stephanie Murphy to investigate what, or who caused one of darkest moments in American history.

"Sabatini Pushes for Total Ban of Vaccine Mandates in FL" by The Floridian's Jim McCool

"Waltz Warns of New Terrorist Group ‘Worse than Al Qaeda’ in Kabul" by The Floridian's Jim McCool

"NRCC Announces Latest Round of “On the Radar” Congressional Candidates" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

"House Passes Short-Term Debt Limit Extension, Punts Crisis Into December" by The Floridian's Mona Salama

"Rick Scott: ‘Socialist Democrats are the true threat to our Republic’ by The Floridian's Jim McCool—This week the US Navy made headlines as a nuclear engineer and his wife were arrested for allegedly selling military secrets to a foreign nation, and appears to have close ties with domestic organizations such as Black Lives Matter.  US Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) reacted by stating that “Socialist Democrats” are the true threat to America.

"Government Buses Potentially Filled With Illegal Immigrants Enter Florida" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—The Floridian first reported that illegal immigrants that crossed over the southern border were getting transported to Florida back in March of this year, and now it appears as if more potential busloads of illegals are being sent into Florida.

"Biden Ends All Border Wall Construction Contracts Amid Migrant Surge" by The Floridian's Mona Salama

"Chris King Endorses Crist in “Breach-the-Wall” Election" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D) continues to gain support for his gubernatorial candidacy, and his most recent endorsement takes Floridians back to the 2018 midterm election. In 2018, the Democratic ticket saw Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum (D) and business leader and activist Chris King (D) team up to claim the Governor’s mansion.

"Crist Unveils ‘Justice for all’ Reform Agenda" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—After expanding his campaign’s outreach effort and amassing two dozen new endorsements, Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D) has just unveiled his new “Justice for All” reform agenda.

"U.S Holds First Talks With ‘Candid And Professional’ Taliban Since Chaotic Exit" by The Floridian's Mona Salama—The Biden administration held its first direct in-person meeting with the Taliban since it reclaimed Afghanistan caused by President Biden’s botched withdrawal of U.S. troops, with officials calling the discussion with the Islamist insurgent group “candid and professional.”

"Rubio Continues Pressing Biden Administration’s Tango Dance With ‘Socialism by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Senator Marco Rubio continues his relentless branding of the Biden administration as “Socialist” and pushing “Socialism” after President Joe Biden continues to fold to the Democratic Socialist wing of the Democratic Party.

"Trump Teases 2024 Run In Iowa Speech: We’re Going To Take America Back" by The Floridian's Mona Salama

"Biden Spending Plan Cuts $40 Billion From Black Colleges" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—Although Congressional Democrats have shown their ability to spend trillions of dollars less than a year into the Biden era, the new high spending bills show Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) funding cut significantly.  President Joe Biden’s (D) spending plan may cost HBCU’s over $40 billion in funding.

"ESPN Reporter Suspended Over Opinion on Vaccine and Obama" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—The Disney-owned ESPN company recently made a controversial move to suspend reporter, Sage Steele. ESPN suspended Steele over voicing her opinion on vaccine mandates, and former President Barack Obama (D).

"Wasserman Schultz Says Facebook is ‘Playing Word Games’ by The Floridian's Jim McCool—Lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle have expressed concerns over social media sites like Facebook, and tension increased after Facebook’s most recent outage that lasted hours. Coupled with Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen testifying before the U.S. Senate and more than 50 Attorney Generals

"Allen West Receives Monoclonal, Knocks ‘Socialist Jackasses’ by The Floridian's Jim McCool—Although the practice has been limited by the federal government, gubernatorial candidate Lt. Colonel Allen West (R-TX) has received monoclonal treatment to combat his bout with COVID-19.

"Crist Campaign Claims two Dozen Endorsements" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

"Scott: Biden ‘is Pushing America off a Cliff’ by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

"President Donald Trump: Republican Kingmaker" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

"Trump Endorses Bovo for Tackling ‘Status Quo by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—In the 2020 election, the race for Miami Dade County Mayor between Daniella Levin Cava and Esteban Bovo ended with Cava claiming victory. In the upcoming 2022 election, Bovo has now shifted his sights to Hialeah, and political pundits believe that Bovo will be succeeding Carlos Hernández as Hialeah’s new Mayor. While Bovo has already enlisted the support of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), now Bovo has gained former President Donald Trump (R) as a supporter and political figure who said that Bovo has “tackled the status quo.”

"Fried Accuses DeSantis of ‘Lying About Masks by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has made his opposition to schools imposing mask mandates clear. In turn, Florida Democrats have criticized the Governor over his views, including Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D), who’s vying to unseat DeSantis in the upcoming midterm election, and is urging school districts to implement a mask mandate. Commissioner Fried warned Floridians that “Ron DeSantis is lying to you about masks in schools.”

"Biden’s Approval Numbers Continue to Plummet" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has made his opposition to schools imposing mask mandates clear. In turn, Florida Democrats have criticized the Governor over his views, including Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D), who’s vying to unseat DeSantis in the upcoming midterm election, and is urging school districts to implement a mask mandate. Commissioner Fried warned Floridians that “Ron DeSantis is lying to you about masks in schools.”

"Garcia’s Bipartisan Effort Expands College Tuition Waivers" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

"Rubio, Scott Lead Bipartisan Effort to Honor Justice Hatchett" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rick Scott Equates Biden Administration to ‘Systemic Socialism’ by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Florida Senator Rick Scott fell short of referring to President Joe Biden as “Comrade” when he responded to news that the Biden Administration was going to use the FBI to monitor and question parents who oppose critical race theory. Sen. Scott equated the administration’s attempt to silence parents and the recent move to allow the IRS to “monitor Americans’ financial transactions,” to “Systemic Socialism” that is carried out by the Communist and Socialist countries of China, Russia, and Cuba.

"R. Scott, Hawley Seeks Bipartisan Select Committee To Investigate Afghanistan Withdrawal" by The Floridian's Mona Salama—Sens. Rick Scott (R-FL) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced a resolution Tuesday to establish a bipartisan select committee aimed at conducting a full investigation and compile a report on President Biden’s “misguided and dangerous decisions” over his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"VP Harris to Star in New Kids’ Show" by The Floridian's Jim McCool

"GOP Officials Embrace Constitutional Carry in Florida" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Republicans and Democrats have been squabbling over the issue of gun control in the state of Florida and in the country, and with Constitutional Carry being discussed for the 2022 legislative cycle, tension is rising as Florida Gun Rights staff press elected officials on where they stand regarding the issue.

"U.S. Adversaries China and Russia Continue Fueling Venezuela’s Criminal Regime" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—China, Russia, and Iran, three of the top U.S. adversaries are expanding their presence and strengthening their ties with rogue governments such as that of Dictator Nicolas Maduro.

Rick Scott

"Scott Blames ‘Savage Cartels’ for Florida’s Fentanyl Issue" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida continues to confront a growing opioid crisis, and lawmakers have responded with legislation in order to deescalate the concern. Senator Rick Scott (R), who oversaw the concern while he served as Governor of Florida, is addressing the issue by placing blame on “savage cartels” for the crisis.

"Shevrin Jones Named DNC At-Large Member" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina

"Biden Blasts Republicans As ‘Hypocritical, Dangerous’ On Debt Limit Issue" by The Floridian's Mona Salama—President Biden is urging Republicans to back off playing “Russian roulette with the American economy” and help Democrats raise the debt ceiling ahead of the looming default deadline while chastising the opposing party’s obstruction of the issue as “hypocritical, dangerous and disgraceful.”

"Nikki Fried Vows to Veto Any Abortion Bill as Governor" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—With momentum behind Florida’s new heartbeat bill building up, gubernatorial candidate, Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried (D-FL), vows to veto any abortion bill if elected governor.

"Francis Suarez Teases ‘Miami Coin’ Currency" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—Miami Mayor Francis Suarez (R-FL) is a self-described crypto currency advocate and has introduced the practice publicly in the city of Miami. The South Florida Mayor is now teasing what he calls “Miami Coin.”



The JUICE is juiced by Javier Manjarres, Daniel Molina, and Jim McCool

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of Floridianpress.com, Hispolitica.com, shark-tank.com, and Texaspolitics.com He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at Diversenewmedia@gmail.com

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