Don’t Mess With Pushaw
Political and media bullies alike have tried to take down Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw but have failed.
The Washington Post’s feeble attempt to smear her was the latest effort to dress her down.
It failed and then DeSantis stepped in and flexed his muscles.
DeSantis gave an epic defense of Pushaw during a press conference in West Palm Beach. Must-Watch
Hold on to Your Guns
The U.S. House of Representatives has just passed a gun control measure that calls for a ban on high-capacity magazines. The Democrat-controlled House introduced the measure in response to the string of mass shootings across the nation.
As you can imagine, gun rights activists are “up in arms.” READ MORE

"House Democrats Pass Gun Control Legislation to ban High-Capacity Magazines" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives has just voted 215-207 on a gun control measure to ban high-capacity magazines and increase the age for an individual to purchase a firearm.
"DeSantis Defends Press Secretary Christina Pushaw With Blistering Response to WaPo 'Smear Piece" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—West Palm Beach—During a press conference to announce his recent support and funding for Florida’s resiliency efforts, Gov. Ron DeSantis came out swinging when asked about a recent Washington Post story that depicted his press secretary Christina Pushaw as a “foreign agent.”
"Wasserman Schultz Endorses Charlie Crist for Governor, Taddeo for Congress" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Democratic congressional stalwart, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has one again thrown her political weight around in South Florida politics, endorsing Rep. Charlie Crist over Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried in the contentious 2022 Democratic gubernatorial sweepstakes.
"Fried to Veto Constitutional Carry Legislation in Florida if Elected Governor" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Fort Lauderdale—During her “Lower Costs, Higher Standards” town hall meeting and press event at the Mt. Harmon AME Church, Agriculture Commissioner and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Nikki Fried was asked if she would veto Republican-led legislative to legalize Constitutional Carry in Florida if she to defeats Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2022 gubernatorial election.
"Fried: DeSantis Courts 'White Supremacist' Votes" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—After calling for the Department of Justice to keep an eye on election-related actions of Florida officials, warning of Governor DeSantis attempting to “circumvent or override democratic norms, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D) is accusing Governor DeSantis of courting “white supremacist insurrectionist” votes.
"Nikki Fried Asserts She's the 'Only option' Democrats Have" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—Although Commissioner Nikki Fried (D-FL) may be the progressive choice in Florida's Democratic gubernatorial primary race, US Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) has pulled in notable progressive endorsements from around Florida. Just this week, progressive Democrat Fried responded to an unexpected shift in the race.
"Democrats Laugh at Rising Gas Prices" by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—While The Floridian has been up to date about the rising gas prices in America, some members of the Legislative Branch have been laughing at the high gas prices in their home state as they’ve driven past gas stations in electric vehicles, while the average consumer cannot afford to make the switch to electric vehicles because they’re too busy looking for baby formula or are trying to make ends meet due to the inflation crisis.
"Mooney Labeled as Criminal Drug Dealer in new Attack ad" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—Rhonda Rebman Lopez (R-FL) is fighting valiantly to take win the Florida House seat she lost by the narrowest of margins during the 2020 presidential election. The Floridians for Truth Now has recently launched a scathing new video, in which they blast her competition with a humbling, "Shame on you Jim Mooney."
"Biden Brags About His Time in Office Despite Low Poll Numbers" by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Since the start of the Russo-Ukrainian War, The Floridian has been diligent in monitoring gas prices, inflation, and the Biden administration’s policy decisions and their impact on the American economy, the worldwide economy, and geo-political relations as a whole
"Senate Leadership Backs Jay Trumbull for Florida Senate" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—State Rep. Jay Trumbull (R-6), who is running for the State Senate District 2, has pulled in the endorsements of the Florida Senate leadership, including Senate President Wilton Simpson (R-FL).

"Rick Scott: 'American families are struggling' Under Biden" by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich
"Biden Forgets to Acknowledge 78th Anniversary of D-Day, Remembers at 9 pm" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres
"Fmr. Green Beret Jerry Torres Pivots, Runs for Congress against Rep. Kathy Castor Instead" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres
"DeSantis Could Sign Constitutional Carry Bill in 2023" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres
"Mast Receives Jim Jordan Endorsement" by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—On Monday, Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) was endorsed by the founder of the Freedom Caucus in the House, and fellow colleague, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). Rep. Jordan has been in Congress since 2007 and been serving the 4th district all 15 years in the House. Currently, he sits as a ranking member on the Judiciary Committee and serves on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
"Crist Scores More Gubernatorial Endorsements" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—With Florida state Senator Annette Taddeo (D) dropping out of the gubernatorial race to challenge Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R), both Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D) and Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D) are vying for the nomination, and for endorsements. In recent weeks, Rep. Crist, who formerly served as Florida's Governor as a Republican, has emerged as the frontrunner, amassing endorsements from unions to politicians.
"Taddeo Drops out of Gubernatorial Race" by The Floridian's Daniel Molina—With Florida’s August primary just around the corner, the Democratic gubernatorial race will now see Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D) and Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D) seeking the nomination.
"Waltz: Biden is "Lining the Pockets of a Dictator", Maduro" by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—It appears the United States is going from supporting one dictator to another when it comes to influencing the purchase of oil around the globe. In an effort to slow down Russian President Vladimir Putin and his campaign in east Ukraine, the Biden administration is poised to allow the shipment of oil from Venezuela into Europe, according to a report by Reuters.

"Florida Gasoline Prices Hit $4.76 Record" by The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in Florida hit a record-high $4.76 on Sunday and likely will continue to rise, the AAA auto club said. "Unfortunately, the pain at the pump is likely to get even worse this week," AAA spokesman Mark Jenkins said in a prepared statement Monday.
"Rubio: Heavily Invested Liberal Network is Attempting to "Wipe Out Hispanic Conservative Voices" by The Floridian's Jackson Backich—It was just announced recently that Latino Media Network has purchased the formerly TelevisaUnivision backed radio station, Radio Mambi out of Miami. Radio Mambi is a well-known conservative news program in South Florida’s Cuban community, but conservatives now fear that the new owners could steer the station in a new direction.
"Sen. Aaron Bean Announces Run for Congress in CD 4" by The Floridian's Jim McCool—State Senator Aaron Bean (R-4), who has stacked up quite the impressive résumé in the Florida Senate, has just announced his candidacy for US Congress in Florida's fourth Congressional District.
"Democrats Highlight Gun Control by Wearing Orange" By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Over the weekend, Florida Democrats shared their support for gun control amidst a number of shootings across the country. The weekend marked Wear Orange, which is an effort meant to raise awareness about gun violence. Across the United States, lawmakers wore orange, the White House was lit orange, and lawmakers expressed the need for gun control measures to address gun violence.
"Florida 'Red-Flag' Law Eyed Amid Gun Debate" by the News Service of Florida—TALLAHASSEE --- As a national debate rages over gun laws after last month’s mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, proponents of “red-flag” policies point to a Florida law as a model for states seeking to strip deadly weapons from people who could cause harm.
"Progressive Advocacy Groups Oppose Gov DeSantis' Family First, Parental Rights Agenda" by The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—As Senate Bill 1796, legislation related to family law and child time-sharing awaits Family First Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signature, left-wing groups such as the progressive League of Women Voters and the National Organization of Women (NOW) continue to lobby against the measure on behalf of trial lawyers who stand to lose millions of dollars in billable hours if Gov. DeSantis signs this family-first bill into law.