Republican Congressional Primary Race in Florida Getting Ugly

Republican Congressional Primary Race in Florida Getting Ugly

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
March 25, 2022

When former NRA president Marion Hammer sent out an email condemning a political mailing that she alleged looked like one of the gun rights giant customary mailings, little did she know that it would fuel the budding Republican congressional primary feud between former Combat veteran Cory Mills and Rep. Anthony Sabatini?

The mailer in question accused Rep. Chuck Brannan (R) of refusing to hear Rep. Sabatini’s Constitutional Carry legislation during the recently-concluded legislative session.

But Hammer insisted that Sabatini’s bill was not heard because the conservative legislator “never requested to have the bill heard in committee and never secured a Senate companion bill” because he “did not bother to get a companion bill filed in the (Florida) Senate.”

Now Mills, who has been critical of Sabatini’s missed votes and for voting with Progressive Rep. Anna Eskamani against the state budget Gov. Ron DeSantis recently said he was going to sign into law, is using Hammer’s email to respond to Sabatini’s recent call for an “emergency legislative session to pass Constitutional Carry.”

Mills responded to Sabatini’s call to action by posting the email Hammer sent out.

In turn, Sabatini appears to have hidden Mills’ tweets and even went as far as blocking his Twitter handle.

“Since @AnthonySabatini keeps hiding my reply from Fmr NRA President regarding his “constitutional carry” bill which I FULLY support. I will post here for everyone to see the truth,” tweeted Mills, who also posted this image:

anthony sabatini
Anthony Sabatini

In reviewing Mills’ tweets where he alleges that Sabatini hid his remarks, it appears that Mills make his case that Sabatini is censoring his responses, accusing him of “continuing to gaslight and hide facts” from his Twitter followers.

Sabatini and Mills, along with former Navy Seal, small business owner Ericka Benfield, and longtime DC insider Rusty Roberts, are all vying to win the Republican nomination in Florida’s 7th District after Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D) announced her retirement.

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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