allen west
The threat of voter fraud being committed in the 2020 general election appears to be very real in Texas, as the Texas Supreme Court has just blocked Harris County officials from mailing out 2.4 mail-in ballots to Texans.
As more and more Floridians continue to become infected with the COVID-19 virus, Florida Democrats have used the pandemic to try to saddle Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) with the blame for the spread.
Former Congressman Allen West has won his race for chairmen of the Republican Party of Texas. Former Texas GOP Chairman James Dickey conceded to West at 3 am on Monday after West had won 21 of the 31 state senate districts, the loving father of two told his family. West later tweeted out that he was "truly humbled" and honored...
Appearing on MRCTV, former Congressman Allen West gave a 7-minute history lesson about black on black crimes and the truths behind some today’s so-called pro-Black groups and the role Democrats have played during and after slavery ended, including their influence on groups like Black Lives Matters.
After George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis, Americans were outraged and took to the streets to protest his death and call for police reform. What ensued was widespread violence and vandalism committed by elements within the Black Lives Matter movement and anarchists who used the peaceful protests to further their un-American agenda.
Florida Rep. Allen West (R) has released a video responding to the current protests from Black Lives Matter. A Liuetenant Coronel in the military, West takes aim at Vice President Joe Biden (D) and Black Lives Matter, commenting on the money that Black Lives Matter have been able to raise across the United States and saying that he believes “they’re...
It's Official! RNC Is Coming To Florida After North Carolina dropped the ball in hosting the 2020 convention, Gov. Ron DeSantis and a slew of legislators, including Reps. Bill Posey, Brian Mast, and Michael Waltz, successfully pitched President Trump that Florida was the right fit for the center of the Republican universe event.
After being hurt in a motorcycle accident on Saturday, former Congressmen Allen West (R) is resting from his injuries, none of which are life-threatening. Early reports state West was airlifted in stable condition to a local hospital after being cut-off by a vehicle when leaving a rally on his motorcycle.
There may be a new sheriff in town for the Texas Republican Party, as former U.S. Congressman Allen West says his probable run for the chairmanship of the Texas GOP is all but certain.
President Donald Trump’s long-anticipated 4th of July military-themed celebration and speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial went off without a hiccup or hitch. Congressional Democrats railed against the president’s use of military hardware and personnel, citing that the expenditure of government funds to pay for the event was unnecessary and “outrageous.
Allen West is running for office again, but it’s not for the congressional seat most Republicans hoped for.