After then-candidate Army veteran Brian Mast (R) defeated businessman Randy Perkins in their respective congressional race during the 2016 presidential election cycle, Democratic Party operatives and grassroots organizers have been looking high and low for a fresh face that could possible challenge and defeat now-Rep. Mast in the 2018 midterm election.
The one person whose name stood out above the short list of possible contenders was Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg (D).
The former state Senator has a considerable amount of name recognition around the county and region, not to mention is liked by both Republicans and Democrats.
While he was/is a Hillary Clinton Democrat, Aronberg was willing to, and had proven that he would reach across the aisle and work with his Republican counterparts.
For months the speculation around Democratic political circles was that Aronberg, who is considered to be the regional ‘Drug Czar’ for his work to counter the ongoing opioid epidemic, was strongly considering a congressional run against Mast.
The fact of the matter is that Aronberg was indeed eyeing a possible congressional run, but has now decided to end all talk about the matter, saying that he would not run for congress this time around.
Oh, yeah, I love my job too much. You never know what the future holds but I’m staying put to help alleviate the opioid epidemic. –State Attorney Dave Aronberg
Aronberg is obviously not ruling a run out, and considering how fluid politics is, there still could be a chance that Palm Beach County’s top cop jumps into the congressional mix later on this year.
But for now, like he said, Aronberg is focused on the opioid problem that has plagued his county and the country.
According to Aronberg, there has been a dramatic drop in the number of deaths and reported overdoses in the city of Delray Beach, the proverbial ‘drug hub’ of the county.
There have been more drug treatment centers openings in Delray Beach than in any other city in the U.S.
For now, the Aronberg for Congress watch is off, but don’t rule it out.