Hours before President-elect Joe Biden (D) and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris (D) are scheduled for inauguration, Florida Democrats are praising the incoming team for the history made and the work moving forward that they hope to accomplish considering that Democrats now have control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. One lawmaker that shared what today means to him is Florida Rep. Ted Deutch (D), expressing that his family comes to mind as the 46th President of the United States is set to be inaugurated.
In a social media post, the Florida lawmaker shared that his “dad, the late Bernard Deutch, served our country in battle, earning the Purple Heart fighting the Nazis at the Battle of the Bulge.” His father “believed in America because of the opportunities it offered his immigrant father and the hope it offered the little guy to succeed.”
Similarly, his mother came to mind, and he detailed that “the late Jean Deutch… never got to go to college, but she made sure her five kids had that opportunity.” His mother “sat in the House gallery when her youngest son was sworn into Congress, and she was proud of the family she and my dad raised together.”
In connection to the historic occasion today, Deutch noted that he will “be thinking about them and everyone just like them at the inauguration of President Joe Biden.”
As well, “I’ll be thinking of my wife, our kids, my siblings and everyone we know and the millions we have admired from afar who went to the Women’s March because women’s rights are human rights, fought the Muslim Ban, saw no very fine people marching with the racists and anti-Semites in Charlottesville, believed in science and fighting climate change when those in power rewarded polluters, decried the separation of families and putting kids in cages, responded to attacks on equality by demanding that the civil rights of LGBTQ people in our society must be enshrined in law, followed the leadership of our young people who marched for their lives to end gun violence, honored our health care heroes and front line workers while mourning the lives lost to a pandemic and the failure of leadership that made it worse.”
Naming a number of other concerns, Deutch asserted that he’ll be thinking of all of those Americans, adding that he will be thinking of “the America we love under leadership working to bring us together rather than trying to tear us apart.”