Judge Karen Gievers Removes Ryan Torrens From Ballot

Judge Karen Gievers Removes Ryan Torrens From Ballot

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
August 25, 2018

On Friday, Judge Karen Gievers removed Ryan Torrens from the ballot for knowingly using illegal funds to qualify for the upcoming primary election.

In his bid to become Florida's next Attorney General, the Judge found Torrens to "not to be properly qualified” as she rejected his claim concerning a $4,000 check that was written in his wife's name to assist in covering the election qualifying fee.

Jude Gievers went on to explain that "As an attorney for some seven years, as a candidate for public office, as an applicant for public financing to help with his campaign, and as a candidate to serve as the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the state, Mr. Torrens is charged with knowledge of the law. Mr. Torrens clearly acted contrary to the law, knowingly.”

In response to this, Torrens' primary opponent, Sean Shaw, released a statement detailing that "It is now time for Democrats to unite to take back Florida this fall. We currently have two candidates in the Republican attorney general primary, fighting over who can stand closer to President Trump, when it seems those closest to him are being shown to be corrupt and criminal.”

Judge Gievers noted that "Mr. Torrens could have done things correctly. He clearly and convincingly chose not to, and he must be deemed removed from the ballot.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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