Considering that moderate Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins are not considered shoe-in votes for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senator Marco Rubio’s 2016 re-election is that much more important.
Kavanaugh was confirmed by a 50-48 vote margin, and later sworn in to the SCOTUS.
Frankel tweeted that the Saturday afternoon vote marked a “sad, dark day for our nation,” adding that he was “unfit for the highest court in the land.”
On the eve of a history and controversial vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court...
The race between Scott and Nelson is considered a ‘toss-up,’ with polls showing that the two men are in a virtual tie.
Senate Republicans refused to call for an FBI inquiry, but President Trump intervened and directed the top law enforcement agency in the country to do so. Senate Democrats
Key moderate Senators, including Flake, held a closed-door meeting after the hearing, leaving many to speculate that Kavanaugh’s performance got him past the finish line.
Were the hearings fair to both Ford and Kavanaugh?
When Kavanaugh testified, Democratic Senators pounced, interrupting and showing a lack of respect for the potential Supreme Court Justice.
Wasserman Schultz then stated that all "women must be believed" when the come forth with sexual assault or harassment allegations.
Now a second accuser has come forward, alleging that she had a sexual encounter with Kavanaugh during college, but details of the event are unclear and questionable at best.
Democrats want to delay Kavanaugh’s confirmation because they want the FBI to Ford’s 30-year-old assault claims, a move that could push the vote past the mid-term elections.