Russia's big oil investment in Venezuela Helps Criminal Maduro Regime Grow Stronger

Russia's big oil investment in Venezuela Helps Criminal Maduro Regime Grow Stronger

Javier Manjarres
October 25, 2021
An extradited conman and close advisor to Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro appeared in a Miami federal court last week in a case that´s being closely watched around the world. Alex Saab, a Colombia-Venezuelan businessman with links to Hezbollah and who’s accused of laundering $350 million through the U.S. banking system on behalf of the Venezuelan […]
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To Checkmate Venezuela's Maduro, America Should Sanction His Spanish Enablers

To Checkmate Venezuela's Maduro, America Should Sanction His Spanish Enablers

April 15, 2020
America is playing whack-a-mole with Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro. After losing access to most of its oil revenue, the tyrant’s regime is overcoming U.S. sanctions
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