Oil Drilling Off Florida Will Begin this Year...And Trump Had Nothing to Do With It

Oil Drilling Off Florida Will Begin this Year...And Trump Had Nothing to Do With It

July 8, 2020
Yup, that’s right, oil drilling will begin this year off of Florida’s coast. Surprised? I’d imagine so. How could something like this happen? Haven’t we seen years of elected officials introducing and passing bills and resolutions to stop this travesty? How will Florida’s military training and tourism industries survive?
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Offshore Leasing Critical to Florida’s Conservation Funding

Offshore Leasing Critical to Florida’s Conservation Funding

June 24, 2020
New levels of uncertainty stemming from the novel coronavirus have driven fresh policy agendas. These policy decisions can have serious implications on our state’s economic future and efforts to protect Florida’s environment. Lawmakers in Tallahassee and Washington can balance both objectives by stopping a ban on Florida’s offshore leasing operations, which drives economic activity and funds environmental conservation programs in...
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