bernie sanders
She is the first Ecuadorian immigrant to be elected to Congress.
“Joe Biden will deliver the results we need."
It’s fair to call Vice President Joe Biden the “Comeback Kid” after this campaign’s near-death encounter during the early stages of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary.
We all know the results from Super Tuesday, Biden won the night, but Sanders placed a respectable second place.
“He’s just unacceptable to people in South Florida and people across our state.”
“Vice President Joe Biden is the right person for the job in this very important moment in time.”
"I am leaving the race for the same reason: to defeat Donald Trump."
After Super Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden's all-but dead presidential campaign come to life as the former U.S. Senator and vice president was able to take the Democratic delegate lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders.
“To give that murderous tyrant even an ounce of praise is a despicable insult to every Cuban-American in Florida."
As Sen. Bernie Sanders inches closer to running away with the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is currently running second behind Sanders is taking a swipe at the senior senator’s ideology while at the same time praising it.
"I find Senator Bernie Sanders’ comments on Castro’s Cuba absolutely unacceptable.”
As vice president Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and the rest of the field of 2020 presidential candidates sing their very own somber version of Paul Anka’s classic “My Way,” Senator Bernie Sanders’ is celebrating his Nevada Caucus win and front runner status by doubling down on his support of Cuba’s Communist Dictator and murderer Fidel Castro.
One of Sen. Bernie Sanders' staunches 2020 presidential surrogates has decided to take to Twitter to flaunt the controversy surrounding her by boasting adjectives she has labeled herself with.
He’s an unrepentant self-described “Socialist Democrat” who was cheated out of the Democratic presidential primary election in 2016 and is the current frontrunner in the 2020 presidential sweepstakes, but does Sen. Bernie Sanders speak for the majority of Americans?
2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), a self-proclaimed "Socialist Democrat," recently asserted," "We are a Socialist society."
During the recent 2020 Democratic presidential primary debate in New Hampshire hosted by ABC News, Host George Stephanopoulos asked the candidates if they would be concerned if there was a Socialist nominee at the top of their party’s ticket.