Mucarsel-Powell Backed by Democratic Socialists, Called a 'Silly Socialist' by Rick Scott

Mucarsel-Powell Backed by Democratic Socialists, Called a 'Silly Socialist' by Rick Scott

Jackson Bakich
Jackson Bakich
September 16, 2024

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) released an advertisement against his opponent, former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), calling her a “silly socialist.”

Well, how grounded are these claims of her supporting socialism?

A recent report from Voz detailed an incident in which an alleged Mucarsel-Powell campaign staffer confronted anti-Mucarsel-Powell protestors by yelling “Long live Maduro! Long Live Chavez!”

Mucarsel-Powell campaign spokeswoman Lauren Chou denied the claim that this man was part of their campaign.

"This person is not an employee of our campaign, and Debbie For Florida completely rejects these comments about Maduro,” said Chou. “We do not tolerate disrespectful behavior at our events. Debbie, who has friends and family in Venezuela, has been steadfast in her stance against the Maduro dictatorship. From her opposition to Cuba and Venezuela's participation in the Summit of the Americas to her support for Edmundo Gonzalez as president-elect of Venezuela, Debbie has always stood with the Venezuelan people who are fighting for democracy."

However, the Scott campaign took advantage of the alleged connection between the counter-protestor and the Mucarsel-Powell campaign.

"It is alarming, but not surprising, that a Maduro supporter is part of Debbie's team,” said Scott campaign spokeswoman Rosa Perez. “She continues to lie about her radical socialist agenda and her record of appeasing dictators. The community knows full well who is on Debbie's side; this outburst by the Maduro apologist at her campaign event only confirms it."

Moreover, in June, former Rep. Mucarsel-Powell endorsed the victory of now-State Senator-elect Carlos Guillermo Smith (D-FL) as he was the only candidate to qualify for State Senate District 17. He has a history of sympathy for democratic socialism and has scoffed at the idea that the ideology has ended in the death of anyone who lives under its rule.

“Congratulations, Senator-elect. I know my friend Carlos G. Smith will be a voice for hope, and will fight for meaningful change in the Florida Senate!” said Rep. Mucarsel-Powell, who has also embraced Smith's endorsement in her senate race against Sen. Scott. In addition, Mucarsel-Powell has also been endorsed by State Rep. Anna Eskamani (D), who appears to be cut the same political cloth as Smith. Rep. Eskamani also voted against the legislative measure to formally denounce democratic socialism.

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

During his previous stint as a state representative, then-Rep. Smith took issue with the CS/HR 145Individual Liberty, Private Property, and Democracy, cosponsored by Miami Rep. Tom Fabricio that condemned Socialism as a whole in the state and nation.

During the debate on the House floor surrounding the bill, Smith denounced the notion of condemning socialism as a whole.

“With all due respect, adopting possibly a resolution to condemn an entire political party and movement, so I'm trying to understand the justification and I’m hoping that this sponsor can answer for me whether or not this movement has resulted in any physical harm or death because there are political movements that have resulted in that. I'd like an answer on that question,” said Smith.

Rep. Fabrico responded with the notion that, yes, socialism has killed many people as well as those attempting to flee it.

Smith responded, “Again, Wow! These are stunning allegations that Socialism has killed people around the world. My question is, are you at all concerned that by focusing on Democratic Socialism, which has actually resulted in no deaths, no one is physically harmed, and not addressing the very real problem of neo-Nazism, white supremacy, and Fascism in the last four years, that we are sending a bad message.”

Mucarsel-Powell's rubbing of shoulders with past and present Democratic elected officials who have expressed support for democratic socialism was on full display at a recent campaign event in Miami, Florida. During the launch of her '75 Stop' bus tour, Mucarsel-Powell shared the stage and accepted the support from former Rep. Donna Shalala, who lost her reelection bid in 2020 Rep. Mario Elvira Salazar (R) after she referred herself as "Pragmatic Socialist."

"I'm a pragmatic socialist," said Shalala.

However, Mucarsel-Powell has denounced socialist administrations in the past. For instance, she disagreed with Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) romanticization of Fidel Castro’s Cuba. At the same time, she did not denounce the tenets of socialism, just the Castro regime.

“As the first South American immigrant member of Congress who proudly represents thousands of Cuban Americans, I find Senator Bernie Sanders’ comments on Castro’s Cuba absolutely unacceptable,” said the then-Florida congresswoman. “The Castro regime murdered and jailed dissidents, and caused unspeakable harm to too many South Florida families. To this day, it remains an authoritarian regime that oppresses its people, subverts the free press, and stifles a free society.”

Floridians will have the final say on Nov. 5 as they decide between Scott and Mucarsel-Powell for the U.S. Senate.

Publisher Javier Manjarres contributed to this story.

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Jackson Bakich

Jackson Bakich

Born in Orlando but raised in Lake County, Florida, Jackson Bakich is currently a senior at Florida State University. Growing up in the sunshine state, Bakich co-hosted the political talk radio show "Lake County Roundtable" (WLBE) and was a frequent guest for "Lake County Sports Show" (WQBQ). Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the FSView and the co-host of "Tomahawk Talk" (WVFS), a sports talk radio program covering Florida State athletics in Tallahassee.

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