Scott Savages Harris's Tax Policy Proposals, 'No Earthly Idea What She is Doing'

Scott Savages Harris's Tax Policy Proposals, 'No Earthly Idea What She is Doing'

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
September 5, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris has ignited derision among Republicans for her proposed tax policies should she retain the White House in November. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) hit these policy proposals with both barrels during a recent appearance on Fox Business's Mornings with Maria, saying Harris "has no earthly idea what she is doing" and calling out her lack of experience in the private sector.

The Harris-Walz campaign has pushed various policies, including tax hikes on small businesses and corporations, capital gains, and an unrealized gains tax. While she said there would be no tax increases for the middle class, she would revoke the tax cuts implemented by former President Donald Trump.

Host Maria Bartiromo said these did not add together logically, which prompted Sen. Scott to reply, "She has no earthly idea what she is doing."

"Here is a lady that I do not know if she has ever had a private sector job. She has never built a business; she has no idea what a profit-loss statement is. I mean, she has never been in a consumer products industry," the Florida Senator added.

Sen. Scott torched Harris's price control scheme, which she had couched in the language of combating price gouging. Should such a plan be implemented, "it will be the same as what Maduro is doing in Venezuela, which means you get nothing because nobody can be able to produce anything for profit, so they will stop producing it."

"This lady has no idea what she is talking about," he bluntly added.

As a result, Scott said, "Let's elect a business guy, Donald Trump, who has built businesses and had a great economy instead of what she had done. [Harris] will not cut regulation; she will increase it; she will not reduce permitting; she will make it worse. She has no earthly idea how business works."

In August, Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) similarly savaged Harris's tax policy proposals, calling them "Soviet-style, top-down overreach," and noted that businesses and the ultra-wealthy these tax plans are meant to affect would simply move overseas, killing innovation and entrepreneurship.

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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