Abortion Amendment Shows dip in Support in new Polls

Abortion Amendment Shows dip in Support in new Polls

Findings from two new polls show that support for abortion in the state is just about under the threshold, signaling that the amendment could fail by a few voters.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
August 16, 2024

Two new polls could spell trouble for abortion supporters regarding Florida's Amendment 4. Previous polls have indicated that the abortion amendment could pass in November, but new polls conducted by USA Today and Florida Atlantic University show that support for the amendment is just below the threshold to pass.

Republicans and Democrats have exchanged words in the state over the success of the amendment. Florida Rep. Sheila Cherfilus McCormick (D) believes the amendment will pass, commenting earlier this year that the marijuana amendment would likely bring in support for Amendment 4. In contrast, the Republican Party of Florida has campaigned against the measure, calling it "deceptive" and "radical."

However, findings from two new polls show that support for abortion in the state is just about under the threshold, signaling that the amendment could fail by a few voters. According to a USA Today poll, 58% of Floridians say they are in favor of the amendment. According to an FAU poll, 56% of voters are in favor.

USA Today reported that the poll they conducted had a 4.4% margin of error, which means that it's likely for as many as 62% of voters or as little as 54% of voters to support Amendment 4. The poll also uncovered that almost two-thirds of Florida's women back the amendment, which compares to over half of Florida's men who support it.

Similarly, FAU showed that 80% of Democrats support Amendment 4, 35% of Republicans support it, and 59% of Independents support it.

USA Today also reported that their data indicates that Republicans could split their ticket, meaning that they will vote for President Donald Trump (R) and also vote in favor of Amendment 4.

Vice President Kamala Harris (D) has extensively campaigned on the issue of abortion, warning that President Trump is a danger on the subject. In contrast, President Trump has reiterated his support for leaving it to the states to decide.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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