Florida Republicans Change State Laws for a DeSantis Presidential Run

Florida Republicans Change State Laws for a DeSantis Presidential Run

DeSantis candidacy more clear than ever

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
May 12, 2023

As Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) positions himself to run for President against former President Donald Trump (R), criticisms on a national stage from Democrats have been nothing but amplified as Florida Republicans have supposedly altered state laws to compensate for Gov. DeSantis' potential presidential run.

After President  Trump announced his comeback to the political scene in late 2022, talks immediately began to brew about DeSantis possibly challenging Trump's hegemony over the Republican party.  The last several months have displayed DeSantis treading carefully, and sometimes playing coy about his presidential ambitions.

A set of trips around the world visiting namely Israel and Japan, strongly indicate that DeSantis is more than just considering running for president.  But now that he and Florida Republicans have moved to conceal his travel records, a 2024 campaign may be almost certain.

The legislation does not only apply to trips that DeSantis will take but also to trips he has already taken, making it harder for the media or the public to ascertain where the Florida governor has traveled.  Coupled with that, the Florida legislature has also changed Florida law so that DeSantis does not have to resign his governorship if he chooses to run for president.

Republicans have cited security for the reason behind the bill, but critics have suggested the law that was passed 84-31 in the House is proof of the governor's presidential ambitions.

If Republicans are acting now to ensure DeSantis can fulfill his promise of serving a full second term as governor, while also permitting him to run for president, the writing is practically on the wall for a Ron DeSantis candidacy in the coming weeks.

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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