Rubio Team Responds to Demings’ Campaign Ad

Rubio Team Responds to Demings’ Campaign Ad

“Demings is desperately hoping Floridians will look past her do-nothing record, but this November, Floridians will remember who consistently delivered for them.”

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
July 13, 2022

Florida Rep. Val Demings (D) has released a new campaign advertisement targeting Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R). The new advertisement highlights Demings’ 27-year law enforcement background, taking a dig at Rubio for not “showing up” to work in the U.S. Senate. In response, the Rubio campaign is disregarding Demings’ claims, arguing that her “do-nothing record” proves otherwise.

In the advertisement, Demings argues that Senator Rubio has “one of the worst attendance records in the Senate.”

In response to the advertisement, Elizabeth Gregory, the Communications Director for Marco Rubio for Senate, expressed that Senator Rubio’s “bills have been signed into law by both Republican and Democrat presidents. Meanwhile, Pelosi Puppet Val Demings’ version of ‘showing up’ for the people of Florida is voting for Joe Biden’s failing agenda 100% of the time and delivering zero results in her six years in Congress.”

Gregory added that “Demings is desperately hoping Floridians will look past her do-nothing record, but this November, Floridians will remember who consistently delivered for them.”

“When Florida needs you, you just don’t show up,” says Demings in the new advertisement, offering her experience as an alternative for Floridians. However, the Rubio campaign says that Demings’ idea of “showing up” is “a stark contrast with Rubio.”

In a press release, the Rubio campaign listed what “showing up” is for Demings.

  • Demings zoomed into a hearing so she could simultaneously participate in a campaign event. She apologized to the campaign event attendees, calling the hearing “background noise.” This was her fourth ethics violation in less than one year.
  • Demings skipped a March 5, 2020 House Homeland Security Committee hearing on the coronavirus response.
  • Demings was in the top third of proxy voters in the House in 2021 despite having gotten the vaccine.

In the advertisement, Demings asserts that if “you don’t show up for work, you lose your job,” and the conflict between both campaigns continues to heighten as they continue to make their cases for voters to show up for them in the voting booth.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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