Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel Threatens Small Business Owner (VIDEO)

Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel Threatens Small Business Owner (VIDEO)

Political discourse out the window

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
July 1, 2022

A new controversial video has been released of Congresswoman Lois Frankel (D-FL) who threatened a small business over their support for one of her Republican congressional opponent, Deborah Adeimy.

On June 17th, Rep. Lois Frankel is seen in the video entering, "City Diner," in West Palm Beach after getting word that her challenger's poster was being displayed at the establishment.

Rep. Frankel demanded to speak with the owner, Rich Kline and appears to "threaten" and "intimidate" the owner of the diner.

Within the transcript of the video, Frankel even referred to Mr. Kline as "Mr. Trump" after the business owner claimed, "we're Americans First."

Deborah Adeimy responded to the video in a press release, where she stated,  "This goes beyond politics," adding,  "I find it appalling that a sitting member of Congress would intimidate or threaten anyone, much less one of her own constituents, over supporting me or for any reason."

Adeimy called the incident, "inexcusable behavior," and wished the Kline family well.

Currently, Adeimy is in a contested Republican congressional primary race for Frankel's seat.

Below is the video along with a transcript of the events that took place:

Video transcription:

Frankel:  (pointing at restaurant owner) I'm gonna make sure, that every, one of my clients/contacts knows... (pause) exactly... (pause) what you've been doing here.  (points at Deb Adeimy's candidate postcard)

Owner:  I'm not allowed to vote for who I want?

Frankel: You can vote for who you want, but lemme tell you something...

Owner:  If not, should I put it down?

Frankel: No!  (points at Deb Adeimy's poster again, and takes pictures with her iPhone) I'm just gonna tell you something that I'm...

Owner:  I have Sean Hannity come here, I have a lot of conservative people...

Frankel:  I'm never coming in!

Owner:  I'm sorry, I don't know why you feel like that.

Frankel:  I'm not coming in- why should I, you're asking me to come in for business when you're campaigning against me?!

Owner:  But we're Americans first, can you say that, can you do that?  (rhetorically asking permission) I'm American, I have a right...

Frankel:  Listen, listen, listen Mr. Trump!

Owner: -no, this has nothing to do with Trump.

Frankel:  I have a right (Frankel pointing a finger at owner's face)

Owner: Of course you do...

Frankel:  I'm never coming in!  I'm never coming in - that's all.  (Frankel bursts again out restaurant door.)

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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