Fried Slams 'Pro-Life' Crist Ahead of Debates

Fried Slams 'Pro-Life' Crist Ahead of Debates

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
May 10, 2022

With Florida Rep. Charlie Crist (D) surging in support and fundraising, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (D) is now turning her sights on Crist’s previous “pro-life” stance. In light of Justice Alito’s leaked draft that the Supreme Court intends on overruling Roe v. Wade, Democrats have launched efforts to protest the ruling. Fried has emerged as a staunch supporter of abortion rights in Florida, and now she's calling into question the support of Rep. Crist.

Ahead of the upcoming primary debates, Fried is calling for Crist “to dust off the fan” as the topic of abortion is set to take center stage in the debates.

Crist’s gubernatorial campaign has gained a significant following, which has translated into another month of adding $1 million in campaign cash for the month of April. This continues to put him ahead of his Democratic opponents, which includes the aforementioned Agricultural Commissioner and state Senator Annette Taddeo (D). While all three candidates have signaled their support for abortion rights, Fried is now drawing attention to Crist’s time as a Republican lawmaker.

This week, Fried videos on youtube wherein Crist affirms his “pro-life” stance, reminding voters, “I guess I should be more clear, these are Democratic primary debates.”

Fried has also shared her thoughts regarding the Supreme Court's intention to overrule Roe v. Wade. "This is not a Democratic issue," she said at a press event, adding that "this is a human right's issue, this is a healthcare issue."

Crist previously served as Governor of Florida as a Republican, and Crist has since gone on to defend his "pro-choice" stance. Most recently, Crist took to Twitter to share his view that lawmakers "won't let the work of generations of women be erased," which is why he argues that lawmakers "must codify Roe v. Wade and protect reproductive freedom for all."

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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