Rubio Comments on Supreme Court Nomination Criteria

“The person I nominate to replace Justice Breyer will be someone with extraordinary qualifications.

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
January 30, 2022

With the announcement that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring, political pundits are questioning who President Joe Biden (D) will nominate to replace him. The President has already commented on the criteria surrounding the nominee, but Republicans are now questioning who the nominee could be. As well, Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) released a video on social media over the weekend, discussing the Supreme Court vacancy and sharing his thoughts on what a Supreme Court Justice should do.

A message from President Donald Trump (R) to supporters over the weekend warned that “Radical Democrats are already going to be aggressively lobbying Joe Biden to appoint the most far-Left Justice the Court has ever seen.”

Then the president questions whether or not Americans will see familiar faces nominated.

“Will Biden use his power to nominate his old pal Barack Obama? Will Biden use his power to nominate Kamala Harris? Or maybe do you think Biden will use his power to nominate a radical like Elizabeth Warren?” questions the president.

President Biden, as media speculation ran rampant, addressed the nomination on social media, released a comment and a video further explaining his review of the nominee.

“The person I nominate to replace Justice Breyer will be someone with extraordinary qualifications,” said the President, specifying “character, experience, and integrity.”

Biden then concluded by sharing that the nominee “will be the first Black woman nominated to the United States Supreme Court.”

In the video, the President further added that the process is going to be “rigorous” in order to find the most qualified nominee.

In response to the vacancy, Senator Rubio chimed in, discussing the criteria by which he believes a nominee should be chosen.

In a video released to social media, Rubio expressed that “a Supreme Court justices [sic] role isn’t to decide if something is good policy, it’s to interpret & apply the constitution based on the intent of its authors.” Moreover, Rubio commented that once President Biden “makes a nomination I will decide whether to support or oppose them based on that criteria.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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