Andy Ngo Exposes ANTIFA for Their Actions

Andy Ngo Exposes ANTIFA for Their Actions

Asian hate?

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
June 3, 2021

After several years of dominating major US cities, ANTIFA has finally met a challenger in investigative journalist Andy Ngo.  Ngo is an expert on the movement and has been assaulted by the anti-fascist group. He made his story viral after appearing on the Ingraham Angle this week, exposing ANTIFA for their actions.

After an unidentified man was assaulted in Portland, Oregon, and chased into a hotel during a mob last Friday, Andy Ngo has since come forward claiming it was him.  The recent assault is the second time Ngo was brutalized by Antifa militants in the Rose City.

"No journalist in America should ever face violence for doing his or her job," Ngo tweeted Wednesday following the attack. "Yet on Friday, May 28, Antifa tried to kill me again while I was reporting on the ongoing protests and riots in Portland..."Ngo sought refuge in a hotel in which he feels like he might not have lived if he stayed outside as ANTIFA has a long history of sending death threats to the journalist:

Ngo claims that ANTIFA wants him dead.

"I document what they want to stay hidden. The attacks against me and threats on my life are retribution for my work as a journalist, recording the tactics and true ideology of an extremist clandestine movement that relies on deception and regards...," Ngo claimed in a recent tweet amid the controversy.

Since that night, Ngo reported on The Ingraham Angle yesterday that he has not heard back from law enforcement on the issue after filing over 2,000 reports to police of his family and friends being stalked to their homes.

The Editor of The Post Millenial has since posted the injuries he sustained from the attacks:

Andy Ngo

These attacks and threats caused Ngo to leave Portland last year, but he came back to care for his elderly parents.

As a journalist, he has been very vocal about the importance for writers to be "on the ground," and allowed to simply do their job.  He has recently authored the book "Unmasked," where he accuses ANTIFA of its destructive nature in America.

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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