Shevrin Jones Calls Sabatini a White Supremacist

Shevrin Jones Calls Sabatini a White Supremacist

Sen. Jones and Rep. Sabatini square off over Chauvin verdict

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
April 20, 2021

As the Derek Chauvin case concluded today, racial tensions were expected to ensure no matter the verdict.  But we got a guilty verdict and the streets remained relatively calm.  However, Florida remained the center of the political world, as State Senator Shevrin Jones (D-35) stayed very active in spectating the Chauvin trial and even called State Rep. Anthony Sabatini a white supremacist

However, comments then caught up to members of the Florida legislature as Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R-32) tweeted, "mob justice," referring to the decision in the Chauvin case.

This tweet went anything but unnoticed on Twitter, as we stated, Jones was quick to call out Sabatini in a tweet, calling him a white supremacist:

While Jones received praise from his Democrat colleagues, the Floridian reached out to Sabatini for a quote where he said in response, "Wokeism is a mental disorder and the comments of this weird leftist state senator demonstrate that perfectly."

Jones, who has since tweeted more about Sabatini and offered to The Floridian a response to Sabatini's response.

"I said what I said, and if Sabatini wants to talk to me, he knows exactly where I'm at.  If he's feeling froggy, jump."

Rep. Ramon Alexander (D-8), also joined in on the fun making a meme of Sabatini calling him a "Clown."


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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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