Mast Fundraises for Trump's Legal Defense Fund

Mast Fundraises for Trump's Legal Defense Fund

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
November 13, 2020

With Republicans divided on whether or not President Trump (R) should concede based on the electoral college projections made by a number of major news sources, one Republican that stands firm in his support of President Trump contending the election results is Florida Rep. Brian Mast (R), a wounded combat veteran and the co-chair of the president’s re-elect in Florida.

Since winning his own reelection bid to the House of Representatives, the sunshine state lawmaker has been hard at work fundraising money for the President’s legal defense fund and the two upcoming Georgia runoff elections that will determine the future of the Senate.

Moreover, Rep. Mast announced that he would be donating $10,000 to Trump’s legal defense fund, $5,000 each to the Loeffler and Perdue campaigns along with $2,000 each to the runoff funds to support Republicans in UT4, CA25, and IA2.

In a message directed to supporters, Mast commented that “free and fair elections are the foundation of our Democracy,” noting that “as citizens of the greatest country in the world, we need to have confidence that legal votes decide the result of our elections, and that we have full transparency in the process.”

Mast added that “in the case of the Presidential election, despite the spin going on in the national media right now, there are absolutely places where that transparency is in serious doubt.”

Because of this, Mast is “supporting the President’s efforts to ensure transparency and accountability through our legal system.”

This week, Ronna McDaniel (R), the Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, provided an update on the status of the litigations aimed across the United States to challenge the results of the November 3rd Presidential election.

In an interview with Maria Bartiromo, Chairwoman McDaniel commented that they "have 12,000 incident reports with over 400 affidavits," detailing that "affidavits are evidence, because these are people testifying under oath that they saw in Detroit, ballots coming in, that they couldn't get a clear picture as to where they were coming from."

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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