Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum's running mate, Chris King, hit the campaign trail and highlighted his ticket's plan to invest money in schools.
Visiting South Tampa's Plant High School, King talked about their effort to invest 1 billion dollars in school.
When asked about Gillum's opponent, Congressman Ron DeSantis, King explained that DeSantis "does not have ideas. He does not have solutions to some of our biggest problems. So, it is my view that the only way he defeats a visionary candidate like (Gillum) is to distract and to create division."
He then went on to explain that the Gillum/King ticket is dedicated to fixing "the types of issues that are going to impact the families who have children in those schools. That is what we are focused on and we are not going to let him take us off their game."
This was in response to DeSantis' planned efforts to revise school textbooks to see if students are being taught anti-Israel bias.
King also mentioned that the investment in schools is going to ensure a starting salary of $50,000 for public school teachers, detailing that "We are seeking to represent a state where today as we stand here we are 45th in the nation in compensating and caring for our teachers. We now pay them $12,000 less than the national average. Our per pupil investment … is at 2007 levels."