Waltz Postulates on Israel, Gaza's Future After Hamas War

Waltz Postulates on Israel, Gaza's Future After Hamas War

Grayson Bakich
December 27, 2023
The State of Israel intends to destroy Hamas once and for all after their horrific October 7th attack. But what comes after? Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) discussed Israel's post-war goals in a recent appearance on Fox News' The Story with Martha MacCallum, saying the Jewish State will have difficulty in conquering Hamas as long as Iran can fund […]
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Moskowitz Condemns Anti-Palestinian Vermont Shooting

Moskowitz Condemns Anti-Palestinian Vermont Shooting

Grayson Bakich
November 27, 2023
The ongoing Israel-Hamas war has proven a polarizing issue, with people so thoroughly divided that acts of violence have occurred. Over the weekend in Burlington, Vermont, three young men of Palestinian descent were injured in a shooting, possibly because of their ethnicity. Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), a staunch supporter of Israel, offered his sympathy on […]
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Mast Condemns Pro-Palestine Capitol Protestors

Mast Condemns Pro-Palestine Capitol Protestors

Grayson Bakich
October 20, 2023
Recently, pro-Palestine protestors filled the Capitol building, demanding Israel stop its war with Hamas. Representative Brian Mast (R-FL) spoke with Dagen McDowell and Sean Duffy on Fox News' Bottom Line on the event, condemning the protestors for supporting "Arab Nazis" and saying the Palestinian flag was no different from a swastika flag. Rep. Mast began by referencing […]
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Rubio Demands Pro-Hamas Foreign Nationals Expelled From U.S.

Rubio Demands Pro-Hamas Foreign Nationals Expelled From U.S.

Michelle Rosenberg
October 14, 2023
In the aftermath of the devastating attack led by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is urging the Biden Administration to to identify and expel foreign nationals on U.S. soil who endorse, support, or participate in pro-Hamas activities. Last week, the world was paralyzed with disbelief and despair as reports of […]
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Rubio Says Hamas Must be Wiped Out, 'They Do Not Value Life'

Rubio Says Hamas Must be Wiped Out, 'They Do Not Value Life'

Grayson Bakich
October 13, 2023
Israel's retaliation against Hamas after its attack Saturday nears a week. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) appeared on Fox News's Mornings with Maria to discuss the situation, namely how Hamas "cannot be allowed to continue as a viable entity" and Israel cannot negotiate with them because their desire to die in the name of destroying the Jewish State is genuine. Host Maria […]
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Cammack Condemns Omar and Tlaib, Says They Have a Problem as a 'Human'

Cammack Condemns Omar and Tlaib, Says They Have a Problem as a 'Human'

Grayson Bakich
October 12, 2023
Nearly a week has gone by since the horrific Hamas attack against Israel, for which several members of the Democratic "Squad" have not condemned the terrorist organization. Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) briefly spoke with The Floridian about this silence, saying, "If you cannot bring yourself to denounce terrorism... then you have a problem as a […]
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Cherfilus-McCormick Condemns Hamas, Stands with Israel

Cherfilus-McCormick Condemns Hamas, Stands with Israel

Grayson Bakich
October 12, 2023
Israel's retaliation for the horrific violence inflicted by Hamas over the weekend is underway. The Floridian sat with Representative Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) for her take on the evolving situation and comments made by pro-Palestine members of the Democratic Party. Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick began by condemning Hamas as a terrorist organization "that does not have any regard for innocent […]
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Waltz Compares Hamas Attack to 9/11, Says US Must Exert 'Maximum Pressure' on Iran

Waltz Compares Hamas Attack to 9/11, Says US Must Exert 'Maximum Pressure' on Iran

Grayson Bakich
October 9, 2023
A massive attack launched by Hamas against Israel has claimed nearly 800 Israeli lives in a single weekend. Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) spoke with Fox News's Maria Bartiromo, comparing the attack to 9/11 and saying, "This was 100% Iran." "What folks need to understand is that this is not just another Middle East uprising or kind of violence […]
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Rubio Warns Against Biden Administration Appeasing Iran After Attack in Israel

Rubio Warns Against Biden Administration Appeasing Iran After Attack in Israel

Jackson Bakich
October 9, 2023
Following the horrific attacks in Israel at the hands of Hamas terrorists which led to the murder and kidnapping of innocent men, women, and children, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) reaffirmed his support for the American ally nation. “Jeanette and I unite in prayer for the victims of these horrific terrorist attacks and stand by the […]
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Pro-Palestinian Protestor Dismisses Evidence Hamas Killed Innocent Civilians

Pro-Palestinian Protestor Dismisses Evidence Hamas Killed Innocent Civilians

Jackson Bakich
October 9, 2023
On Sunday, The Floridian Publisher Javier Manjarrés was on the scene for the pro-Israel rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which turned violent. Manjarrés interviewed a pro-Palestine supporter, who at one point stated that the “settlers” in Palestine do not have civilian status, nor should they be treated as such. The dismissal by pro-Palestinian supporters of […]
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Florida's Congressional Caucus Condemns Jerusalem Synagogue Shooting

Florida's Congressional Caucus Condemns Jerusalem Synagogue Shooting

Grayson Bakich
January 30, 2023
This past Friday, eight Israelis were murdered by a Palestinian gunman in Jerusalem. Footage showing Palestinians celebrating the attack circulates on Twitter, to which Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) says that "it is disgusting to see anyone celebrate the murder of innocent people. Always Israel seeks peace and always the terrorists respond with hatred and death. […]
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Rick Scott: 'Biden has to get a  Backbone'

Rick Scott: 'Biden has to get a Backbone'

Jim McCool
May 19, 2021
Washington D.C.- Amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that continues to dominate the world news, many Democratic politicians have been hesitant to publicly support Israel, including President Joe Biden, who Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) claims "doesn't have a backbone" after he appeared to remain complacent to the "radical left" Congresswomen who are advocating for Palestinians. "Where is […]
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Ilhan Omar Calls Aid to Israel an 'Act of Terrorism'

Ilhan Omar Calls Aid to Israel an 'Act of Terrorism'

Jim McCool
May 17, 2021
After a long period of inaction in regard to sending more aid to Israel after Hamas began raining rockets down on Israelis, the Biden Administration finally approved a massive $735 million US-Israel weapons sale.  However, woke progressives in the House have not taken kindly to the sale of arms, leading Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) to […]
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