Waltz Warns of New 'Axis Powers' After Afghanistan Withdrawal

Waltz Warns of New 'Axis Powers' After Afghanistan Withdrawal

Jim McCool
September 13, 2021
With the Afghanistan debacle still earning President Biden (D) his fair amount of criticism, the US has seemingly started to move on from the messy situation.  However, US. Rep Michael Waltz (R-FL) is concerned there are new axis powers on the rise in Asia. A former Green Beret and avid Biden critic, Waltz appeared on Fox […]
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Rubio Says Biden's Taliban Deal a 'User-Friendly Kill List'

Rubio Says Biden's Taliban Deal a 'User-Friendly Kill List'

Jim McCool
August 27, 2021
As if the situation in Afghanistan couldn't get any worse, President Biden (D) has allegedly provided the Taliban with a list of US citizens and Afghan allies that we needed to evacuate.  Now, US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), along with a growing list of Republicans, is calling out Biden for providing a "user-friendly kill list" […]
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Byron Donalds: Biden 'Ain't Going to be  Around for Much Longer'

Byron Donalds: Biden 'Ain't Going to be Around for Much Longer'

Javier Manjarres
August 23, 2021
With overwhelming, and sometimes uncalled for banter against President Biden's (D) health, many have speculated the oldest elected President may not be fit to finish his term.  US Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has already posed such questions, and now US Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) is joining in on the concern for Biden's health. "Ladies and […]
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CNN Reporter Calls Taliban 'Friendly' As Kabul Falls

CNN Reporter Calls Taliban 'Friendly' As Kabul Falls

Jim McCool
August 16, 2021
Afghanistan has officially fallen to the Taliban, leaving mainstream media with a plethora of disturbing footage to broadcast.  However, as crowds of Taliban fighters screamed "Death to America!" in Afghanistan, CNN still described the terrorist organization as "friendly." As previously reported by the Floridian, the CNN anchor in  Afghanistan, who quickly adjusted to wearing a […]
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