Trump Leads Biden in 6 of 7 Swing States

Trump Leads Biden in 6 of 7 Swing States

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
April 3, 2024

President Donald Trump (R) leads President Joe Biden (D) in 6 of 7 swing states in the upcoming election. A new Wall Street Journal poll shows that the incumbent is struggling in the race for reelection, and the poll could indicate a sign of what's to come in November.

For President Biden to win reelection, his campaign would need to win the "blue wall," which consists of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, states he flipped in the 2020 election. However, a new poll shows dissatisfied voters. President Trump holds a two-point lead in Michigan and a three-point lead in Pennsylvania. Wisconsin, on the other hand, remains tied between the incumbent and the Republican challenger.

The new WSJ poll questioned 600 registered voters in each state, and it was conducted between March 17th and the 24th. The results also showed that in Arizona, President Trump scored a 5-point lead; in Georgia, he scored a 1-point lead; in North Carolina, he scored a 6-point lead; and in Nevada, he scored a 4-point lead.

On the issues, President Trump holds an advantage on inflation, the economy, and the border. Though voters side with President Trump on economic issues and showing concern over the national economy, most of the respondents argued that their state's economy was doing well. 60% of the respondents in each swing state, with the exception of Wisconsin, shared that their state's economy was good, but significantly fewer respondents said the same when questioned about the national economy.

In contrast, President Biden has an advantage on abortion, which is a topic that the incumbent and Democrats have campaigned on.

With this week's announcement that Amendment 4 would appear on Florida's November ballot, and with the news that Florida would be implementing a 6-week abortion ban come May 1st, the Biden campaign has launched an effort to flip Florida blue.

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, President Biden's campaign manager, commented on the ban, calling it "one that Donald Trump personally paved the way for – will now amount to a ban for the entire Southeast. Women in need of reproductive care throughout the region now face a choice between putting their lives at risk or traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to get care."

During an interview with FOX News' Brian Kilmeade, Kellyanne Conway, President Trump's former campaign manager, argued that the recent poll shows that "Donald Trump dominates on the issues most important to Americans."

She went on to criticize Democrats who think 2024 will prove successful for them, saying that "they are denying what they see in the polls, and they are denying what we see at the border."

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University. His hobbies include reading, writing, and watching films.

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