Senators Rick Scott (R-FL), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Thom Tillis (R-SC) have introduced a bill to ensure federal agencies purchase American flags made in the United States. The legislation is known as the Make American Flags in America Act of 2025 and would also close the loophole for Chinese manufacturers to advertise their American flags as American-made.
Sen. Scott shared that the stars and stripes are integral to the American spirit and should be a "privilege" to produce.
“The American flag represents the pride and joy of being an American and the very values of a nation founded upon freedom, democracy and the American dream," said Sen. Scott. "Producing an American flag is a privilege that should only be granted to our fellow Americans who believe in the values it represents, not nations like Communist China who seek to destroy the American way of life.
Scott also urged his colleagues to pass the bill quickly, as it "protects the pride" of American production.
"Our bill preserves [and] protects the pride of American-made products and the patriotism of the flag and nation we love. I urge my colleagues to support its quick passage," concluded Scott.
Moreover, Sen. Cruz mentioned that the legislation should be "expeditiously" agreed upon and sent to President Donald Trump's (R) desk.
"There is bipartisan agreement that American flags should be produced in America using American materials, but loopholes in existing laws still allow Chinese manufacturers to sell flags, including through fraudulently-branded websites," said Sen. Cruz. "This bill would close those loopholes. Congress should take it up and expeditiously pass it.”
According to Sen. Scott, the history of the American flag issue is as follows:
"In 2024, Congress passed, and the President signed into law the All-American Flag Act, which prohibits agencies from using funds to procure a U.S. flag unless such flag has been manufactured in the United States from materials that have been U.S. grown, produced, or manufactured. However, loopholes in the law have allowed Chinese companies to sell American flags on e-commerce platforms and falsely label those flags as American-made. The Make American Flags in America Act of 2025 removes an acquisition threshold and requires the FTC to produce a report assessing enforcement."