Mucarsel-Powell Says Voters are 'Energized' on Amendments 3 & 4

Mucarsel-Powell Says Voters are 'Energized' on Amendments 3 & 4

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
September 22, 2024

Earlier last week, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) stated that Florida could be a "pickup opportunity" for Democrats. Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) faces a challenger in former Florida Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D). Though polling shows Senator Scott in the lead, Rep. Mucarsel-Powell's campaign maintains that the race is too close to call. As such, the DSCC shared that Democrats are picking up "momentum," and it will "likely" to spend some money in Florida. Rep. Mucarsel-Powell is now assuring that Democrats could gain a boost as voters are "very energized" about voting for Amendments 3 & 4.

During an interview with MSNBC, the senatorial hopeful discussed the upcoming presidential election, stating that "young voters are not only coming out to support the vice president but also to support the freedom for a women to be able to make her own reproductive health care choices."

"This is true for young women and young men across the state," she added.

Commenting on her Republican opponent, Rep. Mucarsel-Powell drew a distinction between both campaigns, noting that the Florida senator opposes Amendment 3, which would legalize adult use of marijuana, and Amendment 4, which would limit government interference on abortion.

"Rick Scott has vocally said he's against both Amendment 3 and Amendment 4. These amendments need 60% to pass, and we are seeing in all the polling that over 62% of Floridians support Amendment 4," she further commented.

She went on to suggest that support for both amendments bodes well for her campaign because backers of the amendment could drive her campaign over the winning number for her to turn the senate seat blue.

"Polls are showing a path for me to be able to retain the seat," She commented, noting that Senator Scott wrote the "preamble to Project 2025."

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) and the Republican Party of Florida oppose both amendments, but Floridians will ultimately make the choice on November 5th.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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