Trump Talks About 'Complicated' Vice President Choice

Trump Talks About 'Complicated' Vice President Choice

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
July 12, 2024

Vice Presidents have dominated the media since the first presidential debate concluded, but it might not be for the reasons you have in mind. For President Joe Biden (D), the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris (D) is looming closer and closer. For President Donald Trump (R), the question of who his vice president will be persists. Will it be Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (R)? Will it be Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R)? Come Monday when the Republican National Convention commences in Milwaukee, Republicans will know for certain who the vice president will be.

Democrats are facing internal fighting the likes they didn't expect to be in by this time of the upcoming election. However, Republicans appear to be facing some infighting of their own when it comes to President Trump's vice presidential pick.

The former president also appears to be facing the same conflict.

Senator Rubio has emerged as the likeliest candidate for vice president, but President Trump has raised some concern over choosing him.

During an interview with Brian Kilmeade on Fox News Radio, President Trump noted that choosing Senator Rubio would complicate things because both Trump and Rubio would have to forgo the sunshine state's 30 electors, which means that Senator Rubio would have to move states as well as give up his Senate seat.

While President Trump did say that it wouldn't prevent him from choosing Senator Rubio, he did say that it "does make it more complicated."

“You do that and it makes it more complicated. There are people that don’t have that complication. Now it’s fairly easily fixed but you have to do something with delegates or there has to be a resignation,” President Trump explained. “So it’s not like picking some people where it’s very easy, where there is none of that.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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