Trump Classified Documents Case Falling Apart at the Seams

Trump Classified Documents Case Falling Apart at the Seams

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
June 24, 2024

Although former President Donald Trump (R) was found guilty in his New York criminal trial, his pending case in Florida is falling apart as the process slows down and controversy continues to build.

In Florida, President Trump is being prosecuted for allegedly having illegal possession of classified documents in his private residence.  The documents are claimed to pertain to international affairs and he retained them from his time in office.

The case however seems to be going nowhere fast.  Judge Aileen Cannon has put so many delays on the case that it is unlikely a verdict would be reached by Election Day.  Cannon is from a family of immigrants and was appointed to her seat by Donald Trump in 2020.

Now the case will have a hearing, but not against Trump.  The Trump camp has argued that special counsel Jack Smith was unlawfully appointed to his position, and therefore cannot prosecute the case.  The move is most likely another attempt to stifle Trump's opposition.

The hearings will persist throughout this weekend.  If Smith is removed from the case, which looks very possible, it could trash all of the charges brought against Trump in Florida.

The trial did formerly have a May start date but has once again been postponed to an unknown time.  Even if the case is not thrown out, the state is a long way away from beating Donald Trump in the Florida courts.

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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