Casey DeSantis Highlights New Resources for Law Enforcement Officers as Part of Hope Florida Program

Casey DeSantis Highlights New Resources for Law Enforcement Officers as Part of Hope Florida Program

Jackson Bakich
Jackson Bakich
June 5, 2024

Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis hosted over 100 law enforcement officials in Tallahassee to highlight the new resources that will be provided to officers as part of the Hope Florida organization.

Hope Florida relies on other Floridians – known as “Hope Navigators” – to guide other Floridians to receive the help they need in order to support those who are going through tough times and might be dependent on the government. This organization works through collaborative efforts from the private sector, faith-based communities, nonprofits, and government entities.

“Florida law enforcement work tirelessly to protect Floridians,” said First Lady DeSantis. “Today, we are equipping them with resources to do even more good by referring those in need to Hope Florida.”

Furthermore, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Executive Director Dave Kerner said it was “an honor” to work alongside the First Lady on this effort.

“A common denominator among many who answered the call to become a law enforcement officer is a strong desire to help people,” said Executive Director Kerner. “We at the Florida Highway Patrol are honored to work directly with First Lady Casey DeSantis, through Hope Florida, to amplify our community and faith institutions and uplift those in need. Through the distribution of the Hope Florida resource cards, law enforcement officers across the state will have the ability to bridge this gap by connecting those in need of hope to resources through the help of Hope Navigators.”

Since the implementation of Hope Florida, nearly 30,000 Floridians have decreased their dependency on the government, some of which are completely independent. The Executive Office predicts it will save Florida taxpayers $800 million over 10 years.

“Law enforcement officers encounter individuals and families in some of their most challenging moments,” said Department of Children and Families Secretary Shevaun Harris. “Under the leadership of First Lady Casey DeSantis, we are thrilled to be able to provide officers with additional resources that they can use to help connect individuals to the Hope Florida program. Our Hope Navigators stand ready to assist and provide support as individuals and families work to overcome barriers to success.”

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Jackson Bakich

Jackson Bakich

Born in Orlando but raised in Lake County, Florida, Jackson Bakich is currently a senior at Florida State University. Growing up in the sunshine state, Bakich co-hosted the political talk radio show "Lake County Roundtable" (WLBE) and was a frequent guest for "Lake County Sports Show" (WQBQ). Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the FSView and the co-host of "Tomahawk Talk" (WVFS), a sports talk radio program covering Florida State athletics in Tallahassee.

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