Charlie Crist’s campaign published a new political advertisement yesterday, October 5th, where he bashes Governor Ron DeSantis while lauding Crist's policies while in office as a Republican Governor.
During the advertisement segment, audiences hear how Crist “cut property taxes by over a billion dollars” and “reduced insurance rates by 10%” while serving as Florida Governor. As such, the ad is emphasizing fiscal policies characterizable as conservative and traditionally associated with right-wing governors.
Ron DeSantis won't protect your right to an abortion, lower your home insurance premiums, or take on the utilities to lower your rates.
I will.
— Charlie Crist (@CharlieCrist) October 4, 2022
Charlie Crist is running for Florida Governor as a Democrat on a progressive left-wing agenda.
Moreover, Crist’s running mate, Karla Hernandez, has been widely criticized by Republicans for her links to Socialism. Namely, Mats was put on the spotlight for comments she made seemingly sympathizing with Castro’s Socialist regime in Cuba.
Therefore, Crist’s campaign’s new ad has caught many by surprise, as it’s unusual for voters to hear of a candidate boasting of track records that are to be expected of politicians on the opposite side of the aisle.
The timing of this new political ad is also noteworthy, as it has not even been a week since Hurricane Ian departed Florida. The Hurricane has caused billions of dollars’ worth of damages, left dozens dead, and been described by some as the worst storm to have ever hit the state.
Nonetheless, Crist’s campaign has decided to spare no time in resuscitating their attacks against DeSantis. During the new ad, Crist accuses DeSantis of “wanting to strip away (Floridian’s) right to abortion even in cases of rape and incest, letting insurance rates skyrocket, and raising taxes on Floridians by a Billion dollars”.
DeSantis’ team has not responded to the accusations, nor is it clear if they are even aware of them. The Governor and his cabinet have been busy supporting nonstop recovery efforts across the state.
Gubernatorial midterms are less than 2 months away, which may explain Crist's campaign’s hurry to resume political messaging critical of Governor DeSantis.
Yet, in spite of midterms nearing, the timing of Crist's recent political moves has soured many Floridians' opinions of the governor.
The recently released political ad’s impact on Floridians’ thoughts on Crist is yet to be seen, but it remains unclear whether resuming political attacks while communities remain in shock from Ian’s devastation is the way to go.