Shevrin Jones Says DeSantis Has 'Double standard' On Protests

Shevrin Jones Says DeSantis Has 'Double standard' On Protests

BLM praises Cuban government

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
July 15, 2021

South Florida Protests in support of the protestors in Cuba have pressed many politicians to take a stand in support of the Cuban people's right to protest, especially Florida Republicans like Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL)/ Gov. DeSantis has gone as far as to demand that the federal government provide internet services on the island.  However, state Senator Shevrin Jones (D-35) has called out DeSantis for applying a "politically-driven double standard" on free speech.

Senator Jones who was the leading opponent of Florida's HB 1 anti-riot bill in the Florida House of Representatives, compared DeSantis' anti-riot legislation to his stance on Cuba, claiming "Supporting humanity should never be an either-or situation that’s driven by ‘what’s good politics.'"

Jones went on to call the Governor's stance "blatant hypocrisy from the Governor and Republican lawmakers," adding it is "deeply disturbing and only increases the urgency for the people and leaders at every level to keep confronting the misinformation and injustices needed to build safer, healthier communities for ALL Floridians."

"As we saw from Republicans’ anti-free speech law (HB 1) following last year’s peaceful demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, the Governor pursues divisive, dangerous policies whenever it is politically expedient to do so," Jones continued. "We shouldn’t turn away or ignore suffering in any part of the world, and I urge U.S. leaders and others in the international community to stand up for the people of Cuba, human rights, and democracy. Leaders ought to lift up the voices of all people, not just some based on what voting bloc they might represent."

During the 2020  Black Lives Matter "peaceful demonstrations or riots, Jones is referring to, insurance companies reported up to $2 billion in claims as a direct result of the civil unrest, the civil unrest that left at least 25 dead and thousands of others injured.

Jones releases his statement as the Black Lives Matter organization blamed the crisis in Cuba on the United States and their sanctions on the Communist country

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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