Scott defends 6 U.S. oil executives jailed in Venezuela over

Scott defends 6 U.S. oil executives jailed in Venezuela over "made up charges"

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
November 27, 2020

Florida Senator Rick Scott (R), a longtime critic of Venezuela and its socialist Maduro regime, is once again taking aim at the criminal government, slamming Nicolas Maduro and his regime for its treatment of the "Citgo 6" oil executives. 

The "Citgo 6," which are six U.S. oil executives held on corruption charges for over three years in Venezuela, and now convicted and sentenced to prison terms on Thanksgiving day. The men are all employed by the Houston-based refining company of the same name, which is owned by Venezuela’s state oil company, PDVSA.

In the sentencing, five of the men, who are U.S. citizens, were sentenced to 8 years and 10 months while the 6th man, a permanent resident in the United States, was sentenced to 13 years.

 Senator Scott commented that “the Venezuelan regime has wrongfully convicted the #CITGO6 with ‘made up’ charges,” noting that “this is a grave injustice and demonstrates the lawlessness of the” Maduro regime.” Moreover, the former Florida Governor asserted that “the US will continue to fight for these American citizens and their families.”

Joining him in the fight against Venezuela’s communist regime is Florida Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D), who highlighted recent actions from the Maduro government, which included Venezuela raiding a Food Charity and interrupting meals that were being served to children in need.

In response to the move, Rep. Murphy stated that this is “further proof that the people of Venezuela will never prosper as long as the cruel and corrupt Maduro regime remains in power.”

The 6 oil executives were charged with embezzlement that was tied to a proposal to refinance around $4 billion of Citgo bonds, but the proposal was never executive. In the face of the charges, the 6 executives have maintained their innocence.

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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