2020 Election: The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime!?
Well, it depends on who you ask, but the overall consensus is that this election is a “make or break” election for both Republicans and Democrats.
How important is it? Well, just look at the make-up of the U.S. Supreme Court. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health continues to diminish and there is a high probability that she could step down in the coming years. If Trump wins re-election and Ginsburg retires, a confirmed Justice cut from the same cloth as Neil Gorsuch will cause Democratic heads to explode.
“Most Americans don’t know what they don’t know! America is under attack from within. We have been infiltrated by Radical Sharia-compliant Islamist and Chinese/Russian Communists that hate us and want to bring our country to its knees! And they are using our civil rights laws against us to accomplish it…” READ MORE
PRESSER- Florida is home to more than 5.5 million residents age 60 and older and as the number of cases of COVID-19 increases in Florida, so does the associated risk for increased behavioral health issues such as anxiety and depression, especially as many of Florida’s older residents choose to remain safer at home and live with the effects of social isolation.
That is why the Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc. (AAA) and Elder Care Services, Inc.(ECS) along with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) are working collaboratively to make sure they are doing everything they can to address the mental health effects COVID-19 has on seniors because they are as essential to address as physical health effects.
“The past few months have created numerous challenges for older adults, and we know how difficult it has been for seniors who are experiencing symptoms of social isolation. Which is why we want our most vulnerable residents to know they are not alone. And that it is okay for them to reach out for help if they are feeling anxious or depressed,” said Secretary Richard Prudom, DOEA. “That is why we are pleased to be teaming up with providers who are helping us distribute an important ‘Talk it Out’ flyer which provides older adults with tips and credible resources should they need help.”
The Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) has unveiled their 2020 election year endorsements, many of the endorsees are the usual elected official suspects like Senators Joe Gruters, Debbie Mayfield, senate candidate Shevrin Jones, and Reps. Spencer Roach, Mike Caruso, and Chip LaMarca.
“While the pandemic may have changed many things about campaigns this election cycle, it has not diminished the need for Floridians to understand candidates’ priorities and stances on important issues. For this reason, AIF felt it was important to continue our long-held tradition of reviewing and speaking at length with candidates so that we can help better inform the business community about who will fight for their interests,” said AIF President and CEO Tom Feeney.
DuBose Scores FMA Endorsement
FMA PAC President, Dr. Doug Murphy stated, “The FMA PAC is honored to endorse Bobby DuBose for re-election to the Florida House. He has been a strong advocate for his constituents in House District 94 and we look forward to collaborating with him on important health care issues in the future.”
Florida's Trail
If you are a congressional candidate who claims to have practiced medicine but in reality were only a registered nurse, know when to stop lying, especially when you try to falsely accuse someone with a popular political website of harassment. The outcome will always be this...READ MORE
Visit The Floridian
***Your morning JUICE is also sponsored by Fran Flynn. Fran Flynn is a Republican running for Congress in Florida's 22nd congressional district. She's Pro-Trump, Pro-Gun, Pro-Life.***
Rick Scott @SenRickScott-Thank you @VP Pence for making a visit to Florida today as our state and nation continue to fight the #Coronavirus. We should all be doing everything we can to support our researchers who are working hard to develop a vaccine.
Marco Rubio @marcorubio -America is more successful when everyone has an equal opportunity for success & prosperity. This is particularly relevant for young Black men. Very happy that earlier today the House passed our Commission on the Social Status of Black Men & Boys Act.
US Rep. Al Lawson Jr @RepAlLawsonJr -The Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys will develop policy solutions to help create an environment that will enable black males to achieve their full potential. I am proud to be a sponsor of this long-overdue legislation #BlackMenAndBoysAct #FL05
Rep. Matt Gaetz @RepMattGaetz -There is no way that moderators are punishing people for supporting President @realDonaldTrump or for putting “MAGA” on their timeline without the knowledge and understanding of Mark Zuckerberg.
Rep. Donna E. Shalala @RepShalala- Plasma is in short supply in our community as we face the threat of COVID-19.If you're healthy and able to do so, please consider donating plasma - it can save lives.
Rep. Stephanie Murphy @RepStephMurphy -An important step in our country’s push to recognize the contributions that Hispanic Americans have made over generations & increase representation. Proud to have supported this bipartisan effort. #FlaPol #FL07 #LatinoMuseumNow
Rep. Michael Waltz @RepMichaelWaltz -Right now, Florida hospitals don't have enough Remdevisir, a drug used to treat #COVIDー19. Last week, I joined the FL delegation in a letter to @HHSGov to ensure Florida receives a greater supply of Remdevisir and other tools needed to fight the coronavirus.

“Republican congressional yard signs being stolen and damaged” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – Every election cycle the worst in people comes out when it comes to politicking, regardless of political affiliation. Primary elections are usually the ugliest contests as warring factions within each political party go toe-to-toe best their primary opponent. One common practice by overzealous campaigners is the practice of stealing or vandalizing campaign signs. Just a couple weeks back, Republican congressional candidate Carla Spalding, who is running in Florida’s 23rd district, discovered several of her signs were damaged. Destroying my signs will not stop me from winning!!!— Carla Spalding For Congress FL23 2020 (@carla_spalding) July 16, 2020. Stealing and damaging signs is a criminal offense and people have been arrested for their ill-advised vandalism and theft. Spalding has had her signs damaged but fellow Republican congressional candidates in Florida’s 22nd district, Fran Flynn, is having her signs stolen, some being ripped off their wire stands on a regular basis.
“McConnell Unveils $1 Trillion HEALS Act Coronavirus Relief Package” by The Floridian’s Mona Salama – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) formally unveiled the GOP coronavirus relief proposal on Monday, after a week of disagreements between the White House and fellow Senate Republicans that will now set the stage for a showdown with Democrats over a fifth package bill. “Just like in March with the CARES Act, Senate Republicans have authored another bold framework to help our nation,” McConnell said from the Senate floor Monday afternoon. “We have produced a tailored and targeted draft that will cut right to the heart of three distinct crises facing our country — getting kids back to school, getting workers back to work, and winning the health care against the virus.” Dubbed the HEALS Act, an acronym for Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools, would include another round of $1,200 of direct payment check for individuals with more support for adult dependents, a “sequel” to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) small business loan program that would target firms with 300 or fewer workers, $105 billion to help schools re-open, liability protections for doctors, schools, and businesses, provide more flexibility for state and local government to utilize the $150 billion in funding from the CARES Act, extend federal eviction protections, and provide $16 billion for testing, tracing and vaccine development.
“Gaetz jumps into hotly contested GOP congressional race in Florida” by The Floridian’s Javier Manjarres – The Republican primary race between Amanda Makki and Anna Paulina Luna is heating up and it’s all because of one Rep. Matt Gaetz (R), who has endorsed Luna and is now openly taking shots at Makki. Gaetz has been promoting Luna but now has turned his focus on Makki, calling her a “lobbyist-turned-candidate with swampy ties to those who attack President Trump,” adding that Makki “cannot be trusted.” Gaetz then questioned Makki’s “conservative” endorsements calling them “mostly beltway PACS.” We decided to look at Gaetz’s claim about Makki’s endorsement were “mostly” DC-area PACs and found that roughly six PACs had backed Makki, two of which are the Conservative American Conservative Union (ACU) and FreedomWorks. Makki’s congressional endorsements include Senator Joni Ernst (R), Reps. John Rutherford (R), Kevin McCarthy (R), Steve Scalise (R), Michael Waltz (R), and Neal Dunn (R). Amanda Makki is a lobbyist-turned-candidate with swampy ties to those who attack President Trump. She cannot be trusted. The “conservative” endorsements Makki touts are mostly beltway PACs.@realannapaulina is the Pro-Trump Patriot we need in Congress. The true #MAGA warrior! — Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) July 26, 2020
“Sen. Rick Scott On GOP $1 Trillion Relief Bill: ‘We Shouldn’t Be Bailing Out’ States Bad Budgeting” by The Floridian’s Mona Salama – Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) expressed disappointment over the Senate GOP coronavirus stimulus package that includes a provision to give state and local government more flexibility on how they can use $150 billion, saying Congress “shouldn’t be bailing out” states for their bad budgeting. “I think we ought to be helping our states that are having coronavirus issues with their coronavirus costs,” Scott said in an interview with CNBC ‘Squawk Box’ Monday morning. “But we shouldn’t be bailing out their pension plans and their wasteful spending. So I don’t think we ought to be doing that.” “And by the way, we don’t know where how this, the money we’ve already allocated had been spent, we don’t know how much of it’s been spent how it’s been spent, and we’re making these decisions with no information you would never do this in your business life, you’d never operate like this where you make you say oh I’m gonna spend more money but I don’t have any idea how I’ve spent the money, or how much money I haven’t spent that we’ve sent around all these different places so I think we got to be cautious,” Scott continued.
“Florida Judge Upholds Coronavirus Ordinance Requiring Masks” by NBC 6’s Terry Spencer – A Florida judge on Monday upheld a county's coronavirus ordinance that requires masks be worn in public places like stores, saying government officials have the authority to protect their residents from the spread of infectious diseases. Circuit Judge John Kastrenakes, noting Palm Beach County’s recent spike in cases and deaths, rejected the challengers' claim that the recently enacted ordinance violates their rights to privacy and personal autonomy. Citing a century-old U.S. Supreme Court ruling that said a state can mandate vaccinations, Kastrenakes said county commissioners came to “a reasonable and logical conclusion that mandating the wearing of facial coverings best serves their constituents.” “This Court is not prepared to find that unelected persons residing or remaining in any city or town where COVID-19 is prevalent, and enjoying the general protection afforded by an organized local effort, may nonetheless defy the will of its constituted authorities,” he wrote. Several Florida counties and cities have enacted similar ordinances in recent weeks as coronavirus cases and deaths have skyrocketed around the state. This is at least the fourth Florida city or county ordinance to be upheld.
“No One Is Owning Up to Releasing Cloud of Methane in Florida” by Bloomberg’s Aaron Clark and Naureen S. Malik – It was 12 miles wide, invisible to the naked eye and traveled across six counties to Florida's largest city. And it's still unclear who — or what — was responsible. The mysterious plume of methane, estimated to total 300 metric tons, was released north of Gainesville between May 2 and May 3, when it reached Jacksonville, according to Bluefield Technologies Inc., which analyzed data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-5P satellite. A global-warming agent that’s 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide, methane has become a major source of concern for environmentalists and climate-minded investors who are stepping up pressure on energy companies to curb emissions of the gas from oil fields, pipelines, gas storage facilities and power plants. Satellite observations are beginning to make those leaks more transparent. Last year, Montreal-based GHGSat Inc. identified a giant methane cloud apparently from an oil and gas field in Turkmenistan, billing it the first discovery of an unknown industrial methane release from space. About 300 metric tons of methane was released near Gainesville, Florida between May 2 and May 3, spreading beyond Jacksonville.
“Florida reports incorrect child COVID-19 rates amid debate over reopening schools” by WTSP’s Josh Sidorowicz – As education leaders and families debate how to reopen schools, troubling data showing nearly one-third of children tested for COVID-19 in Florida were positive was wrong, the state health department confirms. Data reported by the Florida Department of Health the week of July 10 showed approximately 31 percent, or one-third, of children in Florida tested for COVID-19 were testing positive. But the report posted the following week to the state health department’s website then inexplicably showed the percent positive rate among children drop to 13 percent. The latest weekly report, with data through July 24, shows the percent rate among children holding steady at 14 percent. Florida’s overall COVID-19 percent positive rate is hovering around 12 percent. As first reported by the Sun-Sentinel and confirmed by 10 Tampa Bay, the department is blaming the alarmingly high rate reported July 10 on a “computer programming error.” “It was a computer programming error specifically linked to the production of the pediatric data report,” a health department spokesperson said in an email. “As a result, a subset of negative pediatric test results were unintentionally excluded from the pediatric report.”
“Florida Man Arrested On Allegations He Used COVID-Relief Funds To Buy Lamborghini” by CBS Miami – A Florida man is facing several charges after authorities said he used COVID-relief funds to buy a Lamborghini and bank millions. David Hines is being charged with one count of bank fraud, one count of making false statements to a financial institution and one count of engaging in transactions in unlawful proceeds. The criminal complaint alleges Hines submitted fraudulent loan applications for as much as $13.5 million in Paycheck Protection Program relief through applications to an insured financial institution on behalf of different companies. In all, the complaint states, the 29-year-old Miamian was approved for $3.9 million in PPP funds. Hines allegedly then used those funds within days to buy a 2020 Lamborghini Huracan worth $318,000. According to authorities, it came to light that Hines did not issue payroll payments as he claimed on his loan applications, instead making purchases at luxury retailers and resorts in Miami Beach.
“Experts: Vote by mail fraud not likely in Florida” by News4Jax – President Donald Trump continues to raise questions about expanding vote by mail this election, going as far this weekend to suggest the results of the election would be rigged if vote-by-mail were allowed. The 2020 Election will be totally rigged if Mail-In Voting is allowed to take place, & everyone knows it. So much time is taken talking about foreign influence, but the same people won’t even discuss Mail-In election corruption. Look at Patterson, N.J. 20% of vote was corrupted! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2020 Voter groups like the League of Women voters disagree. “Since 2000, more than 250 million votes have been cast via mailed out ballots,” LWV of Florida President Patricia Brigham said Monday.Backing up its claim, the Trump Administration has cited a 2005 study by the Commission on Federal Election Reform chaired by former President Jimmy Carter. It warned mail ballots were at the highest risk for fraud, but earlier this year Carter came out in support of expanding vote by mail in light of the pandemic.
“CNN's Stelter accused of breaching network's confidentiality agreement with Sandmann: 'May cost him his job'” by Fox News’ Joseph A. Wulfsohn – CNN's chief media correspondent Brian Stelter may have landed himself in hot water, according to the attorney of Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann. Last week, Sandmann announced that The Washington Post settled the $250 million defamation lawsuit he filed over its botched coverage of a viral confrontation with a Native American elder that had portrayed the Kentucky teen as the aggressor. This followed the multi-million dollar settlement CNN made with the teenager back in January. However, Sandmann's attorney Lin Wood spotted a retweet from Stelter of a tweet written by attorney Mark Zaid, who speculated about how much money the teen walked away with from the settlement. "Those with zero legal experience (as far as I can tell) should not be conjecturing on lawsuits they know nothing about. What kind of journalism is that?" Zaid asked. "I've litigated defamation cases. [Sandmann] was undoubtedly paid nuisance value settlement & nothing more."
“GOP Releases Coronavirus Relief Proposal After Delay” by WSJ’s Andrew Duehren – Senate Republicans rolled out a roughly $1 trillion coronavirus relief bill proposal Monday, launching a mad dash to reach a deal with Democrats on expiring unemployment payments and other aid disputes in the parties’ rival plans. The Republican plan cuts the current federal $600 weekly unemployment supplement to $200 a week through September, when the payment will then combine with state benefits to replace 70% of previous wages. Democrats have proposed continuing through January the current $600-a-week supplement, which costs about $15 billion a week. The U.S. jobs market has partially rebounded since the unemployment rate went from 50-year-lows to record highs early in the pandemic, with employers adding 7.5 million jobs in May and June after cutting 22 million nonfarm jobs the prior two months. But a recent increase in people seeking unemployment insurance signaled the recovery could be faltering as Covid-19 cases surged in the South and West, prompting new business closures. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) billed the Republican proposal as the appropriate response to the toll the virus continues to take across the country.
“Trump is moving forward with his plan to regulate social media” by CNN’s Brian Fung – The Trump administration took a key step on Monday toward fulfilling the president's executive order on social media, formally asking the FCC to develop regulations that could apply to Facebook, Twitter and other tech platforms. The petition for rulemaking puts the ball in the FCC's court. The agency must now decide whether to agree to President Donald Trump's call for FCC oversight of internet platforms. Trump and other Republicans have long criticized companies, including Facebook (FB) and Twitter (TWTR), for allegedly censoring conservatives; the companies have denied the claims. "President Trump is committed to protecting the rights of all Americans to express their views and not face unjustified restrictions or selective censorship from a handful of powerful companies," said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in a statement. FCC spokesman Brian Hart said the agency will carefully review the petition. Under Trump's May executive order, a branch of the Commerce Department known as the National Telecommunications and Information Administration was expected to call on the FCC to "clarify" Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the law that has shielded tech companies from much litigation over internet content since its passage in 1996.
“Barr to come out swinging on violent crime, Russia probe in first House Judiciary Committee appearance” by Fox News’ Gregg Re – In his first-ever appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Attorney General Bill Barr will condemn the "grave abuses" in the "bogus Russiagate scandal," while also highlighting Black-on-Black violence and defending law enforcement officers in no uncertain terms, according to a transcript of his prepared remarks obtained by Fox News on Monday night. The attorney general's unusually aggressive posture will be matched by similarly full-throated arguments from GOP lawmakers on the panel, including ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Fox News is told. "Ever since I made it clear that I was going to do everything I could to get to the bottom of the grave abuses involved in the bogus Russiagate scandal, many of the Democrats on this committee have attempted to discredit me by conjuring up a narrative that I am simply the president’s factotum who disposes of criminal cases according to his instructions," Barr is expected to say at the outset of his remarks. "Judging from the letter inviting me to this hearing, that appears to be your agenda today." Barr will go on to deny that Trump has improperly interfered with any of his decisions, before pointing to statistics showing progress on racial-justice issues, according to his prepared remarks.
“Two Republican Senators Will Oppose Shelton’s Fed Candidacy” by WSJ’s Nick Timiraos – Sen. Susan Collins (R., Maine) said Monday she would join Sen. Mitt Romney (R., Utah) in opposing the nomination of economist Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve’s board of governors. President Trump formally nominated his former economic adviser to a seat on the seven-member board earlier this year, and her candidacy cleared a significant hurdle last week on a party-line vote in the Senate Banking Committee. Republicans have a 53-47 vote advantage in the Senate, meaning that Ms. Shelton can’t afford to lose more than three Republicans if all Democrats oppose her candidacy. The Senate hasn’t set a date for a vote on her nomination but Senate aides and a White House official said a vote was possible by next week, before lawmakers are scheduled to leave Washington for their summer recess. In a statement Monday, Ms. Collins said she had serious concerns about the nomination, citing statements Ms. Shelton made last year that were dismissive of the Fed’s longstanding autonomy from the White House in setting interest-rate policy. Ms. Shelton’s past writings have also questioned the need for a central bank. “This is not the right signal to send, particularly in the midst of the pandemic, and for that reason, I intend to vote against her nomination if it reaches the floor,” said Ms. Collins.
“Walmart bans couple seen in video wearing the Nazi swastika on their face coverings” by CNN’s Alicia Lee – Walmart said it has banned a couple from its stores after they were seen on video wearing face coverings with swastikas as they shopped at one of its Minnesota locations.
Saturday, the same day Minnesota started requiring its citizens to wear masks in all indoor businesses, a Walmart customer captured video footage of a man and woman wearing face coverings emblazoned with the Nazi symbol at a store in Marshall, southwest of Minneapolis.
The nation's largest retailer, which started requiring its customers to wear masks last Monday, confirmed the incident to CNN. Delia Garcia, a spokeswoman for Walmart, said the couple is banned for at least one year. Neither Walmart nor authorities identified the couple. "What happened at our store in Marshall, MN is unacceptable," Garcia said in a statement. "We strive to provide a safe and comfortable shopping environment for all our customers and will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment in any aspect of our business. We are asking everyone to wear face coverings when they enter our stores for their safety and the safety of others and it's unfortunate that some individuals have taken this pandemic as an opportunity to create a distressing situation for customers and associates in our store."
President Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump- So disgusting to watch Twitter’s so-called “Trending”, where sooo many trends are about me, and never a good one. They look for anything they can find, make it as bad as possible, and blow it up, trying to make it trend. Really ridiculous, illegal, and, of course, very unfair!
Pete Buttigieg @PeteButtigieg -It's time for a president who knows that every issue is a women’s issue, and that women are also uniquely and disproportionately impacted by many policies.