Amash Exits GOP, Trump Responds

Amash Exits GOP, Trump Responds

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
July 5, 2019

Justin Amash, a harsh critic of President Trump, announced on Independence Day that he was leaving the Republican Party.

In an Op-Ed voicing his disapproval of the GOP and President Trump, he explained his motive behind leaving the Republican party, and some might comment that this adds fuel to the fire of his rumored Presidential run.

In his announcement, Amash noted that he “thought a lot about the brilliance of America” while growing up.

He praised the United States' founders for establishing “a constitutional republic uniquely dedicated to securing the rights of the people” along with the fact that “they designed a political system so ordered around liberty that, in succeeding generations, the Constitution itself would strake back against the biases and blind spots of its authors.”

Pointing out that his parents are both immigrants, he mentions that he’s “become disenchanted with party politics and frightened by what I see from it.”

For Amash, therein lies the problem.

He explains that partisan politics is dividing the country and that lawmakers are not involved in healthy discussions to get the right job done. So, in leaving the GOP, Amash calls for Americans to reject “the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us.”

He asks Americans “to believe that we can do better than this two-party system – and to work toward it.”

In response, President Trump took to twitter to voice that it is actually “great news” that Amash is no longer a member of the Republican party.

Trump called Amash “one of the dumbest & most disloyal men in Congress,” and he asserted that Amash is “a total loser!”

So, while not ruling out a presidential run, tension between Amash and President Trump grew as Amash joined Democrats in calling for the impeachment process to begin against President Trump.

From the Grand Old Party to Going Out Passionately, Amash doubled down that he is doing the right thing because “if we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it.”

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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