The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing showed America just how radically combative some individuals and politically-driven special interests groups can be when their views are opposed.
Judge Kavanaugh and his family were all-but crucified by liberal Democrats and Progressives, and now we are learning that some of these Senators sitting on the Judiciary Committee were also targeted.
During an interview with Hugh Hewitt, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) divulged that he and his family were “doxed” and made to feel “physically threatened” by individuals who boast about practicing “civility” in politics.
“I was doxed, meaning our personal information was released – our personal address where I’m here in Washington, where I live in Utah as well as my personal cell phone number. And it’s terrible. It leaves us feeling very unsafe. My wife has had to be followed to the park by the local police. It’s not a pleasant thing.
This is completely unnecessary, I would add. It’s completely unnecessary to descend to a point in our society where with the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice, someone has to feel physically threatened by the release of such information.”- Sen. Mike Lee
Hewitt then brought to Lee’s attention that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Journalist Christiane Amanpour in England Democrats “cannot be civil” with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”- Hillary Clinton