The controversial measure of separating children from families at the border has been at the forefront of the political arena for the last couple of days, and it culminated with President Trump signing an executive order to halt the act. Some have praised the move, but others have criticized it as well.
U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz commented on the matter, saying that President Trump was moved to sign the executive order by seeing pictures of children being separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border.
In an interview, Gaetz commented that he "was with the president yesterday, and it was clear that he was moved emotionally by the distress of families at the border."
Gaetz also added that he hadn't had time to review any compromise legislation, detailing that he "will not support legislation offering amnesty to those who have entered our country illegally." He also noted that he wishes to back "legislation to enhance our border security, including the construction of a border wall, and to strengthen our immigration laws. Separating families is a sad consequence of decades of bad immigration policy, and I look forward to voting to restore law and order to America's southern border. Unchecked illegal immigration cannot and must not be allowed to continue."