Lauren Baer Receives NewDemPAC Endorsement

Lauren Baer Receives NewDemPAC Endorsement

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
March 27, 2018

Democrat Lauren Baer, running for Congress in Florida's 18th district and positioned to take on Republican Representative Brian Mast, has just received a big endorsement from the NewDemPAC. This comes in preparation for the upcoming midterm elections where Mast's seat and Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo's seats are among the targeted districts for the Democrats.

In a statement, Baer commented that she was "grateful to have the endorsement of NewDemPAC. Today, more than ever, we need Representatives who will fight for commonsense legislation that delivers security and economic prosperity for all Americans. I look forward to working with the New Democrat Coalition to achieve robust and equitable economic growth and strong and sensible foreign policy."

NewDemPAC political director Jon Boughtin also released a statement praising Baer, saying that she "has shown a commitment to the forward-thinking, progress-oriented ideas that define the New Democrat Coalition. She is running a strong campaign and has what it takes to win in November. We look forward to working side-by-side with Lauren Baer to bring home a victory and meet the challenges facing Florida 18 head on."

The upcoming midterm elections are pivotal because they will rely heavily on how the nation is viewing the work that President Donald Trump is doing.

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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