VP Harris to Star in New Kids' Show

VP Harris to Star in New Kids' Show

Jim McCool
October 5, 2021
Despite discouraging poll numbers, VP Kamala Harris (D) has enjoyed being at the center of the public spotlight.  Now, YouTube has just announced a new kids' program, starring none other than VP Harris. The Floridian previously reported damning data that proved Harris to be the most unpopular Vice President in 50 years.  Along with former […]
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Psaki Accused of 'Blatantly Parroting' Critical Race Theory Talking Points

Psaki Accused of 'Blatantly Parroting' Critical Race Theory Talking Points

Jim McCool
July 6, 2021
The controversial Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become the top discussion in the White House, as  Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been accused of "blatantly parroting," CRT talking points in recent press conferences by the Young Americans Foundation. Psaki, who has time and time again defended the Vice President over the border crisis, while shielding […]
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