'Vaccine Passport' Idea Ignites Chaos in FL

'Vaccine Passport' Idea Ignites Chaos in FL

Jim McCool
March 30, 2021
After Governor Ron DeSantis' (R-FL) latest press conference, Floridians have been up in arms over the fate of "Vaccine Passports."  These vaccine passports would provide a way of identifying people who have not been vaccinated, but the idea is still fluid across the country.
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DeSantis Says 'Never' to Vaccine Passports, CFO Patronis Applauds Passage of SB 72

DeSantis Says 'Never' to Vaccine Passports, CFO Patronis Applauds Passage of SB 72

Jim McCool
March 30, 2021
Yesterday, Florida CFO Jim Patronis (R-FL) joined Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) as he signed SB 72 into law.CFO Patronis' long battle for Florida businesses has finally proved successful with this COVID liability bill.  Now Florida businesses will surely be provided with protections.
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