Trump just threatened to bomb 52 Iranian sites

Trump just threatened to bomb 52 Iranian sites

Javier Manjarres
January 4, 2020
Just as Iran threatens to strike at U.S. interests, President Trump just announced moments ago that he would target "52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago)," saying that Iran itself would be targeted.
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Trump killed a

Trump killed a "clear and present danger to the United States"

Javier Manjarres
January 4, 2020
Moments after the Pentagon confirmed that President Donald Trump ordered the targeted killing of Iranian terrorist and Republican Guard Corps Quds Force General, Qassim Soleimani, congressional Democrats and 2020 presidential candidates began to express their disapproval of killing an individual that has directly killed American military personnel as Israelis, not to mention other U.S. allies.
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