oil industry
After news broke that the U.S.Treasury had extended a license to five American energy companies to continue working within Venezuela through June 3, 2021, experts from around the Western Hemisphere applauded the Administration’s decision to allow U.S. interests to operate in that country and, in doing so, effectively keep the Chinese, Russian, and Iranians from taking over strategic assets and...
With election legal challenges continuing, and with less than 3 months until the end of President Donald Trump’s term in office, the Trump administration continues to project its strong pro-American foreign policy agenda across the globe, and in particular in the Middle East and the Western Hemisphere.
The third and final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice president Joe Biden is over and it was clear to everyone, even some skeptical media pundits, that President Trump stole the show as Biden distanced himself from two key swing states.
To confirm Russia’s play to skirt around the U.S. sanctions against his regime, Maduro himself tweeted on the very same day that he had communicated with Baron Putin, and was assured the support “in all areas” of their relationship. Maduro made himself very clear.
Yet, it is difficult to predict --and less so guarantee-- that the Maduro regime will fall as a result of recent U.S. measures. Neither the Justice Department’s decision nor U.S sanctions are immune to manipulation.
America is playing whack-a-mole with Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro. After losing access to most of its oil revenue, the tyrant’s regime is overcoming U.S. sanctions
With the spread of the Coronavirus having nearly thrown the global oil market into a tailspin as demand for crude has plummeted, the end of Nicolas Maduro’s criminal regime could be near.
It’s not as good as the first season but the ripped-from-the-headlines geopolitical drama is enough to keep you watching and get you thinking.
The Russians and Chinese, along with Iran, have overrun Venezuela at the behest of Maduro, and Maduro himself has anchored his nation’s economy on the drug trade.