Democratic Legislators Demand COVID Funds go to 'Fully Restore Arts'

Democratic Legislators Demand COVID Funds go to 'Fully Restore Arts'

Daniel Molina
April 7, 2021
Florida Rep. Anna V. Eskamani (D), who’s rumored to be eyeing a gubernatorial run in the upcoming midterm election, is joining forces with Democratic colleagues in order to “fully restore arts/culture grants to 730 non-profits.”
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Rick Scott Warns of 'Blue Bailout' With Biden Admin

Rick Scott Warns of 'Blue Bailout' With Biden Admin

Jim McCool
January 15, 2021
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, the past several months have seen the federal government spend exorbitant amounts of taxpayer dollars to keep the US economy, and states economies afloat.  On top of the stimulus checks already passed, more legislation to bail out New York is already in the works. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo […]
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