Scott Supports Israel Aid, Calls Gaza Aid 'Stupidest Idea Ever'

Scott Supports Israel Aid, Calls Gaza Aid 'Stupidest Idea Ever'

Grayson Bakich
April 22, 2024
The House of Representatives passed four foreign aid bills for Israel and Ukraine Friday that will be voted on as a single bill in the Senate. Notably, $9 billion of the combined package will go toward humanitarian aid for Gaza, which many Republicans have railed against, saying it will go to Hamas. Senator Rick Scott […]
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Castor Approves $95 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan

Castor Approves $95 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan

Jackson Bakich
April 22, 2024
Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL) released a statement regarding the $95 billion defense package to aid American allies in Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Indo-Pacific. $60.8 billion will go to Ukraine as they continue their fight against Russia. The Florida congresswoman took a jab at “MAGA Republicans” for holding up the aid from reaching the aforementioned […]
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Cory Mills 'Disgusted' Ukraine Flag Displayed in House Chamber

Cory Mills 'Disgusted' Ukraine Flag Displayed in House Chamber

Jim McCool
April 21, 2024
Additional aid for Ukraine was passed in the House of Representatives last week.  However, House Republicans continue to be split on the issue.  Congressman Cory Mills (R-FL) responded to demonstrations of the Ukrainian flag being waved in the House Chamber. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA)  has received backlash from Republican colleagues who did not vote for […]
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Carlos Gimenez Votes to Pass Aid to Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel

Carlos Gimenez Votes to Pass Aid to Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel

Jim McCool
April 20, 2024
The House of Representatives has managed to pass the national security supplemental package that will fund Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel as the nations engage in costly conflicts with neighboring countries.  US Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) voted to pass the bill. The foreign aid costs $95 billion became very controversial among Republicans.  President Donald Trump (R) […]
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Waltz Says Biden's Middle East Policy 'Completely Failed'

Waltz Says Biden's Middle East Policy 'Completely Failed'

Grayson Bakich
April 19, 2024
The State of Israel retaliated against Iran's earlier barrage of missiles and drones with a limited strike in Isfahan recently, although the nuclear enrichment facility was untouched. Concerns this could lead to a wider war have flourished in the wake of the attacks, which was the subject of discussion by Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) in a recent appearance on Fox and Friends […]
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Progressives, Republicans Continue to Line Up to Defeat Wasserman Schultz

Progressives, Republicans Continue to Line Up to Defeat Wasserman Schultz

Javier Manjarres
April 18, 2024
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) is without question one of Florida’s most outspoken and controversial federal lawmakers,  and not only is she respected amongst both Republicans and Democrats in Washington, but her constituents continue to reelect her every two years even as more progressive primary opponents and potential Republican general election challengers keep popping up […]
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Potential Wasserman Schultz Challenger Bryan Leib Accuses Her of Turning Back on Israel

Potential Wasserman Schultz Challenger Bryan Leib Accuses Her of Turning Back on Israel

Grayson Bakich
April 16, 2024
Has Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) turned her back on the State of Israel? While she has been markedly supportive of the Jewish State, her new potential Republican challenger in November, Bryan Leib, has accused her of enabling anti-Israel voices in the Democratic Party and approving of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), AKA […]
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Waltz Describes Expectations for Helping Israel after Iran Strike, 'All of the Above'

Waltz Describes Expectations for Helping Israel after Iran Strike, 'All of the Above'

Grayson Bakich
April 16, 2024
With Israel now facing a potential two-front war in the Middle East after Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles, the Biden Administration announced they would not aid in helping the Jewish State retaliate. Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) appeared on Fox Business's Mornings with Maria to blast President Biden's decision and describe how Congress can help Israel in its time of […]
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Mills Blasts Pro-Ukraine Senate Democrats as Israel Fights for Survival After Iran Drone Strike

Mills Blasts Pro-Ukraine Senate Democrats as Israel Fights for Survival After Iran Drone Strike

Grayson Bakich
April 16, 2024
Iran launched an unprecedented strike on Israel with hundreds of drones and missiles over the weekend in retaliation for the death of a commander in an Israeli drone strike in Syria, leaving the world reeling and possibly on the brink of war. Representative Cory Mills (R-FL) appeared on Fox and Friends First to discuss how Congress will act in response, blasting […]
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'Get Out of the White House': U.S. Representative Slams Biden Over Iran Drone Strikes

'Get Out of the White House': U.S. Representative Slams Biden Over Iran Drone Strikes

Liv Caputo
April 15, 2024
TAMPA, FL—Following Iran's retaliatory drone strike on Israel, U.S. Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) told The Floridian that the Islamic nation would never have launched an attack if Donald Trump was still in office. "I can tell you confidently that all of these events would not happen under President Trump. This is happening because weakness emboldens those who […]
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Lawmakers Respond to Iran's Drone Strike Against Israel

Lawmakers Respond to Iran's Drone Strike Against Israel

Daniel Molina
April 14, 2024
As reported earlier today, Iran has issued a drone strike to Israel.
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Scott Demands Reassessment of Qatar as Major Non-NATO Ally

Scott Demands Reassessment of Qatar as Major Non-NATO Ally

Grayson Bakich
April 10, 2024
The world at large has become polarized by the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, with many countries demanding the Jewish State restrain itself. The Persian Gulf country of Qatar is an American ally that also protects Hamas leadership, a situation in which Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) is demanding reconsideration of the country's status as […]
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Secretary Lloyd Rebuffs 'Genocide' in Gaza

Secretary Lloyd Rebuffs 'Genocide' in Gaza

Daniel Molina
April 10, 2024
In a move that's sure to further divide President Joe Biden's (D) base, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has rebuffed arguments that there is a genocide in Gaza. The defense secretary made the comment during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Defense Department's FY 2025 budget request. Protestors interrupted the hearing with calls for […]
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