Daily Wire's Cabot Phillips Decimates Biden on Vaccine Mandate

Daily Wire's Cabot Phillips Decimates Biden on Vaccine Mandate

Daily Wire not backing down from vaccine resistance

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
September 16, 2021

After President Biden (D) authorized a vaccine mandate for businesses over 100 employees, many mainstream conservative figures were furious.  More notably the Daily Wire, owned by Ben Shapiro, has publicly stated they will resist the mandate with legal action.  Now, Daily Wire editor, Cabot Phillips, is decimating Biden on the vaccine mandate and his record.

Self-described "Conservatarian" Phillips spoke at Florida State University this Wednesday where he met with students,  covering many topics, such as Cancel Culture, Socialism, and eventually, vaccine mandates.

The Floridian caught up with Phillips to get more information on the anticipated legal action.  Although the matter is a delicate legal debacle, Phillips ensured that he is "proud of us [Daily Wire] for taking a serious stand and putting our money where our mouth is."  Adding "Our leadership, from day one, has made it clear to everyone that our personal liberties are going to be protected."

Phillips also told the Floridian that Biden is "100% overstepping on the mandate" elaborating that "he himself said a couple months ago that he wishes he could snap his fingers and do a vaccine mandate, but he didn't have the authority to do so.  Now a few months later he says 'actually we are going to do this.'"

Between Biden backtracking on the eviction moratorium and now mandates on private businesses, Phillips claims to see "a pattern" Adding "The Biden Administration has shown over and over again that they are going to use power that they themselves have admitted they don't have."

Phillips also confirmed that the company will not enforce a vaccine mandate of any kind for the time being.

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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