Nikki Fried Makes 'Bizarre' 2022 Landslide Victory Prediction

Nikki Fried Makes 'Bizarre' 2022 Landslide Victory Prediction

Democrats can only move up from the beatdown they took in 2020, but will they be able to gain enough ground to really make a difference?

Javier Manjarres
Javier Manjarres
June 6, 2021

Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried is running for governor in the 2022 Democratic gubernatorial primary election, and as the top elected Democrat in the state, it is her job as the figurehead of her political party to serve as its head cheerleader.

This past weekend, Commissioner Fried tweeted a prediction that Democrats are going to win every single general election race in Florida, including the U.S. Senate race against Senator Marco Rubio and the gubernatorial race against Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“We’re going to win Florida in 2022 — not just our race for Governor and our critical U.S. Senate seat, but all the way down the very, very important ballot,” stated Fried.

While Fried’s vote of confidence for her party’s prospects in the upcoming midterm elections can be perceived as admirable by some, a clean sweep against Republicans in 2022 can only be chalked up as nothing more than a pipe dream.

Florida Republicans were quick to address Fried’s clean sweep tweet, calling her winning assertion “bizarre.”

“It’s a bizarre tweet. However, this time in 2017, Fried didn’t know what office she was going to run for either,” State Rep. Alex Andrade.

Helen Aguirre Ferre, Executive Director of the Republican Party of Florida, simply stated, "Fried isn’t a friend of the truth, while State Rep. Anthony Sabatini predicted a Republican landslide victory in 2020.

“2022 will be largest GOP electoral landslide since 2010—and in Florida it will be even bigger, considering the 3.5% victory that Trump achieved in 2020,” said Rep. Sabatini in a written statement to The Floridian.

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Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres

Javier Manjarres is a nationally renowned award-winning political journalist and Publisher of,,, and He enjoys traveling, playing soccer, mixed martial arts, weight-lifting, swimming, and biking. Javier is also a political consultant and has also authored "BROWN PEOPLE," which is a book about Hispanic Politics. Follow on Twitter: @JavManjarres Email him at

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