Florida Lawmakers Denounce Migrant Smuggling in Florida Keys

Florida Lawmakers Denounce Migrant Smuggling in Florida Keys

Mateo Guillamont
Mateo Guillamont
September 24, 2024

A recently exposed criminal network of migrant smuggling in the Florida Keys has caught Florida lawmakers’ attention.

Earlier this August, US Border Patrol officials detained individuals caught smuggling Chinese and Ecuadorian nationals. Following the arrest,  President Joe Biden’s administration declined to prosecute the individuals involved.

The smugglers were ultimately prosecuted by Florida State Monroe County Sheriff Rick Ramsay and 16th Judicial Circuit State Attorney Dennis Ward. 

Republican Florida lawmakers recently sent a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding explanations on the national government’s failure to prosecute. 

The letter was led by Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) and coauthored by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Representatives Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL), Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL). 

Appalled by the Biden administration’s refusal to prosecute, the lawmakers claimed such inaction “serves only to encourage future violations of federal immigration law and to perpetuate the modern-day slave trade that is fueled by human trafficking operations.”

The letter also draws a contrast between the DOJ’s skepticism to prosecute human smugglers while energetically prosecuting conservative political figures, such as former President Donald Trump

The lawmakers accuse the DOJ of showing “greater interest in wasting taxpayer resources to target and pursue specious cases against the perceived political opponents of the Biden-Harris administration.”

In January 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis deployed the state national guard to the Florida Keys in response to increased rates of illegal immigration and human trafficking.

Governor DeSantis described the move was necessary in light of the Biden administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws in the Florida Keys. 

“As the negative impacts of Biden’s lawless immigration policies continue unabated, the burden of the Biden administration’s failure falls on local law enforcement who lack the resources to deal with the crisis,” said DeSantis. “That is why I am activating the National Guard and directing state resources to help alleviate the strain on local resources. When Biden continues to ignore his legal responsibilities, we will step in to support our communities.”

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Mateo Guillamont

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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