Donalds Slams 'Chuck Schumer Border Bill'

Donalds Slams 'Chuck Schumer Border Bill'

Daniel Molina
Daniel Molina
September 24, 2024

The senate border bill has made headlines this week after it failed in the senate. Dubbed the "Chuck Schumer border bill" by Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R), Republicans voted against it for several reasons. Though Democrats argued that the bill would strengthen security at the border, Republicans countered by arguing it made the border more dangerous. Florida Rep. Byron Donalds (R) is now slamming the "Chuck Schumer border bill," noting its various concerns.

On social media, the Florida Republican shared footage of his comments during a House Oversight & Accountability Committee meeting. During the meeting, he "set the record" straight on the aforementioned border bill.

Rep. Donalds recounted that upon reading the contents of the bill, he along with his Republican colleagues contacted House Speaker Mike Johnson  (R) to let him know that "there is no way this Senate bill should get a vote in the House." Saying that the Senate bill "is a terrible piece of legislation that will not secure the southern border," he instead advocated for H.R.2. As well, he questioned why Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D) has not brought the bill up for a debate, or why the White House has not contacted Majority Leader Schumer over H.R.2.

Earlier this week, Senator Cruz provided further information on why he voted against the "Chuck Schumer border bill," highlighting that he is an author of H.R.2.

In his comments, he detailed that "under the Chuck Schumer border bill, it codified and put into federal law 'catch & release,' the 'open border' policy that caused this crisis. It gave immediate work permits to illegal aliens who crossed the border illegally. It gave taxpayer funded attorneys to illegal aliens who came into this country. It gave billions of dollars to sanctuary cities and to the NGOs that actively assist the traffickers."

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Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina

Daniel Molina is an award-winning senior reporter based in Miami. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Florida International University.

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